
I am trying to use validates() to dynamically add validation to my sqla 
classes, but i cannot figure out how to do this. I have read python 
decorator docs and docs n validates, but something escapes me (or it is 
just not possible).

A code snippet (this does not work):

    def create_validators(self):      
        for cls in self.itervalues():
            names = tuple([fld.key() for fld in cls._type_.fields()])
            def validator(obj, name, value):
                if not cls._type_[name].validate(value):
                    raise ValueError("incorrect value '%s' for '%s' in 
'%s'" % (str(value), name, cls.__name__))
                return value
            setattr(cls, 'validator', validates(*names)(validator)) #does 
NOT work

in which:

'self' is a dictionary of sqla classes, 
'cls' is an sqla class (derived from declarative_base(...)), 
'cls._type_' contains the information for (further) generation of 'cls' 
(e.g. cls._type_[name].validate(value) calls a validate method for value 
for a field (say String(50)) with name 'name')

The method above runs without problem, but the validator function is never 
called when setting field values. I have tried all alternatives i can think 
of, but maybe i am missing something basic.

Can anyone help?

Cheers, Lars

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