On Jan 17, 2013, at 7:24 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> 
> wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2013, at 7:01 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> 
>> wrote:
>> On Jan 17, 2013, at 6:45 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:
>>> Sadly, it looks like when I try the code in my full application, it is 
>>> failing miserably.
>>> I'm seeing errors like this:
>>> sqlalchemy.orm.exc.DetachedInstanceError: Instance <Deployments at 
>>> 0x3367910> is not bound to a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot 
>>> proceed
>>> and 
>>> sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Object '<HostDeployments at 0x21cd050>' 
>>> is already attached to session '1' (this is '3')
>>> Sadly it's not immediately obvious as to what's going on... not even 
>>> certain how 
>>> to start debugging this problem.
>> well an object can only be "attached" to one Session at a time.   so the 
>> tricky thing is that it's kind of easy to get objects in the Session 
>> sometimes when you don't want them to.  like if you have A and B, and 
>> there's a relationship between both like A.bs an B.a, putting an "A" into a 
>> Session will pull in the "B" and vice versa.
>> So if you're putting some kind of object into this other Session to be 
>> committed immediately, you'd have to make sure it isn't being pulled into 
>> your primary session.   if you call object_session(someobj) on any object it 
>> will show you what Session it belongs to.
>> The other option is to merge() the state of the object into another Session. 
>>  merge() makes a copy of an object from one Session to another.  Though here 
>> you're looking to commit those objects in the second session and not at all 
>> in the first so you probably should jsut make sure those objects are only in 
>> that one Session.
>> That would explain things, since I have things like:
>>      with isolated_transaction():
>>         host_dep.status = 'ok'
>>         Session.commit()
>> Obviously the 'host_dep' is from the original session, so this isn't going 
>> to work.  I know about merge(),
>> though in this case I'm not fully certain how to use it, or if it can even 
>> solve issues like this. :(
> OK you could merge in a situation like that:
> with isolated_transaction():
>     merge_host_dep = Session.merge(host_dep)
>     merge_host_dep.status = "ok"
>     Session.commit()
> but now your "host_dep" is in a different state as "merge_host_dep", and that 
> row has a different value in the "isolated" transaction than the one locally. 
>  if you updated it locally, then you'd see that same UPDATE statement happen 
> again and it might even hit upon a conflict when you try to commit the main 
> transaction.
> the "using two transactions" pattern is sort of best if you can isolate rows 
> that are intended for one side or the other.
> Sadly in this case... I can't isolate, at least not very easily.  The code is 
> involved enough
> that extracting the necessary parts to isolate a given object for change 
> would be very,
> very difficult, if not impossible.  Unfortunately this may require me to 
> completely rewrite
> large parts of my application. :(
> I do thank you for all the help you've given so far, though.  It's been very 
> much appre-
> ciated.

since you're refactoring, perhaps there's a way to break out the things that 
need to be visible into new rows of their own ?

> - Ken
>> - Ken
>>> - Ken
>>> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Ken Lareau <klar...@tagged.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:00 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:
>>>> Given this and your previous comments, and after some conversations with
>>>> a coworker, I decided to expose the 'engine' variable from the database
>>>> library and create a context manager as so:
>>>> @contextlib.contextmanager
>>>> def isolated_transaction(NewSession=None):
>>>>     """Manage a new transaction (session) within an existing session"""
>>>>     needed_session = True
>>>>     existing = Session.registry()
>>>>     if NewSession is None:
>>>>         NewSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
>>>>     else:
>>>>         needed_session = False
>>>>     Session.registry.set(NewSession)
>>>>     try:
>>>>         yield
>>>>     finally:
>>>>         Session.registry.set(existing)
>>>>         if needed_session:
>>>>             NewSession.close()
>>>> (This code hasn't quite been tested yet and may need some tweaking)
>>>> With this, whenever I need an 'isolated' transaction I can simply do
>>>> from my program:
>>>>     with isolated_transaction():
>>>>         <do stuff with Session>
>>>> And things should 'just work'... at least that's my hope!  I can also pass
>>>> an existing new session if I want to use one in multiple places (not
>>>> sure I'll need that just yet, but it was easy enough to write into the
>>>> method, so...)
>>>> Hopefully this seems like a sane solution to my problem. :)
>>> its good, though you can save yourself all the trouble with 
>>> scoped_session/sessionmaker by just saying this:
>>>     from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
>>>     new_session = Session(bind=engine)
>>> or which might be even more portable, use the sessionmaker from your 
>>> existing registry:
>>>     new_session = Session.session_factory()
>>> session_factory is the sessionmaker() you stuck onto scoped_session in the 
>>> first place.  In that case you don't need to refer to the Engine explicitly.
>>> Nice, the second one definitely works and I no longer need to export 
>>> 'engine'
>>> and only need to import Session from my library where I have the context
>>> manager place. :)
>>> Thanks again!
>>> - Ken
>>>>> Depending on the database in use, using low isolation levels can have the 
>>>>> effect that other transactions can view "dirty reads" as the transaction 
>>>>> proceeds, but this is obviously an all-or-nothing thing.    When I need 
>>>>> certain resources exposed during a long running transaction, I transfer 
>>>>> that data to a different Session and commit() those changes distinctly.
>>>>> My current needs would tend to use the short transactions for things that 
>>>>> are mostly
>>>>> isolated from anything going on in the longer running (main) transaction, 
>>>>> though I do
>>>>> suspect I might need what you mention in your last sentence, but might 
>>>>> you be able
>>>>> to refer me to an example of how it would work, perchance?
>>>> I'd advise against going this route, you'd pretty much need to use MySQL 
>>>> MyISAM tables to get guaranteed "dirty reads", that is, there's no 
>>>> transaction at all, and it's not really how transactions were meant to be 
>>>> used.    Lowering the isolation level is usually just a means to get more 
>>>> transaction throughput.
>>>> Okay, I suspect I misunderstood what was being mentioned here, which is
>>>> no problem; I'll avoid it. :)  Thanks once again for all the help.
>>>> -Ken
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>>>> - Ken Lareau
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>>> -- 
>>> - Ken Lareau
>>> -- 
>>> - Ken Lareau
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>> - Ken Lareau
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