On 18 Jan 2013, at 12:15, Kenny <bill...@mpimp-golm.mpg.de> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm quite new to SQLAlchemy and I've been struggling to get the following to 
> work.
> When one queries with specific entities, the resulting namedTuples might have 
> overlapping keys.
> e.g. 
>     sample = session.query(
>             Sample.id,
>             Experiment.id
>         ).\ 
>         join(Experiment).\
>         filter(Experiment.active==1).\
>         distinct().\
>         first()
>      print sample.id # will print experiment.id
> So, how do access conflicting attributes?
> I know I can use Sample.id.label('sample_id'), but I would prefer to have 
> this in an automatic way. Much in the same way as the function with_labels() 
> works on the query object, but then bubbling through to the actual result.
> Any suggestions would be welcome!
> wkr,
> Kenny
> ps: I am using SQLALchemy 0.7.3

I think you should be able to do this:

  print sample[Sample.id]
  print sample[Experiment.id]

Hope that helps,


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