I'm using Sqlalchemy for the first time and am slowly 
figuring out most of what I need.  However there is one
aspect I would like some advice about.

I have a GUI program that gets some number of items (say
data about movies for example) from a database and lets 
the user edit them including foreign key linked table 
data like directors or actors.

My question is how to track changes.  A user may change
some attribute of a movie (or of one of the subtables 
linked to it), say the year made, then page to a different
movie, and change something there.  Such changes are 
reflected in the session.dirty, session.new and 
session.deleted properties for a while (up to some point 
where Sqlalchemy decides it needs to do a flush).  But 
after a flush, the .dirty (et.al.) properties no longer 
show anything but the changes are still not permanent 
since no commit has been done yet.

I need to indicate in the GUI *what* mapped objects 
and what attributes of those objects have been changed, 
perhaps by displaying values in red (for example) to 
allow the user to review or revert changes before 
saving (i.e. committing). 

How can I determine what has been changed, even after 
a flush?  (Or should I disable autoflushing?)

How to revert some changes (but not all; for that I 
would just do a rollback, yes?)

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