On Feb 6, 2013, at 03:05 , Jonathan Vanasco <jonat...@findmeon.com> wrote:

> I use SqlAlchemy in a Pyramid app.  All my models, connections, etc
> are within and set up by Pyramid.
> I'm trying to do a maintenance script, and am a bit confused.
> In my script, thanks to a bootstraped commandline Pyramid feature, i
> have a Session which can query objects.  great.
>     results = dbSession.query( model.core.Useraccount )\
>        .filter(\
>            model.core.Useraccount.last_login.op("IS")(None)
>        )\
>        .all()
> here's my problem.  i want to do execute a command like this:
>     stmt =   model.core.Useraccount.update()\
>            .where( model.core.Useraccount.id.in_( list_of_uids ) )\
>            .values( last_login = 'now()' )
>    connection.execute(stmt)
> I'm not actually updating the last_login field. just using this as an
> example.

Is your problem possibly that you are not commiting your changes? Without that 
your transaction is aborted when your script ends. Try adding this at the end 
of your script:

   import transaction

and see if that helps.


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