On Feb 19, 2013, at 10:16 PM, rob.crow...@moat.com wrote:

> I'm building a pyramid application using pyramid_tm and 
> ZopeTransactionExtension.  We've written a little subscriber on NewResponse 
> that writes out some values to a log file about the current user 
> (request.user.id) after each request.  For anybody that knows pyramid pretty 
> well, we set the request.user property using 
> config.set_request_property(get_user, 'user', reify=True), but basically we 
> look up the User object once in our db and then cache it as request.user for 
> the lifetime of the request.
> For the most part this is working fine, except for in the case that the User 
> object gets modified during the request (change their avatar, name, password, 
> whatever).  When this happens, we get a Detached Instance exception when we 
> try to reference the 'id' field of request.user.  It's worth pointing out 
> that pyramid_tm runs and commits our transaction before our NewResponse 
> subscriber fires, which means that request.user has already been flushed and 
> committed to the database and appears to be detached (in fact, we can merge 
> it back into our session and continue using it as normal, see Solution #3 
> below).
> We've found 3 work-arounds that seem to give us the desired behavior, but I'm 
> not really sure which one is better.
> In this case, it seems Solution 1 is the best as it doesn't do any additional 
> SQL queries (and I'm willing to accept that occasionally I might be writing a 
> stale User object to disk), but is there any other downside to this approach? 
>  After my subscriber runs the web request is finished, so theoretically it 
> doesn't matter that the objects are not expired, correct?  Is there a better 
> approach here that I am missing?

definitely solution 1, if you need to keep working with the objects post-commit 
without any huge gap in between, that's the way to go and it's why that flag is 

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