Hello again.

I have successfully installed SA 0.7.10 and the query as-is works. However
jonedload_all / subqueryload_all options on the query do NOT work. I have
slightly extended your cte_example which now demonstrates the issues.
joinedload_all does not crash but there is undesired sql activity after the main
query which renders the joinedload useless. subqueryload_all crashes.

I would be glad for any words of advice or idea(s) for possible workaround(s),

Ladislav Lenart

On 28.2.2013 10:26, Ladislav Lenart wrote:
> Thank you very much for your valuable time, Michael!
> Your example code seems correct. The only differences I found are:
> * Missing FK on ImportedPartnerShare.partner_id:
> class ImportedPartnerShare(Base):
>     deal_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('deal.id'))
>     partner_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('partner.id')) # ForeignKey() is
> missing in yout example script
> * All FKs in the example should have nullable=False and ondelete='CASCADE'.
> But I suppose none of this makes any difference. As you wrote and confirmed,
> this issue (and many others) was resolved in SA 0.7.9. I have just verified 
> that
> I am using SA 0.7.8 at the moment (version from debian distro). I apologize 
> for
> the err subject. I did not check it when I wrote that line, I just assumed.
> Thank you again,
> Ladislav Lenart
> On 28.2.2013 04:12, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> OK, I've reconstructed mappings which correspond directly to your Query as 
>> given, and it produces the identical SQL.  I've inserted a bunch of rows 
>> into all the tables so that a polymorphic result comes back, so that we can 
>> in fact verify that the ORM reads the "client_id" column correctly.
>> Your issue exists from SQLAlchemy 0.7.8 and backwards, and was fixed as of 
>> 0.7.9, (we're up to 0.7.10 as well as 0.8 betas).  0.7.9 had many bug fixes 
>> for the CTE feature as it had only been introduced in 0.7.6.
>> Script is attached.
>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 4:11 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Ladislav Lenart <lenart...@volny.cz> wrote:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> Thank you for your prompt answer. I will try to create a working example 
>>>> that
>>>> demonstrates the issue. Though it will take me a couple of days, maybe 
>>>> weeks (my
>>>> regular work followed by a vacation).
>>>> I have another problem. I rephrased the SQL, because postgres's planner had
>>>> issues with EXISTS and thought it is a great idea to perform full scans of
>>>> several huge tables in order to return several hundreds result rows. Enter 
>>>> CTEs...
>>>> Short-short intro:
>>>> * Client is the joined table inheritance root.
>>>> * PersonalClient and CorporateClient are its subclasses.
>>>> * Partner is a salesman.
>>>> * Deal is a contract signed between salesman(s) and client(s).
>>>> * ImportedClientShare and ClientShare are M:N relationships between 
>>>> clients and
>>>> deals.
>>>> * ImportedPartnerShare and PartnerShare are M:N relationships between 
>>>> partners
>>>> and deals.
>>>> * We import deals from an external DB. Those are called imported. Imported 
>>>> deal
>>>> has external_id and Imported*Share apply.
>>>> * However, a user of our system (a partner) can create a new deal locally. 
>>>> Such
>>>> a deal does not have an external id (yet) and local *Share apply to it.
>>>> The following code should return all clients of a given partner via
>>>> ImportedClientShare or via ClientShare:
>>>>       q1 = session.query(ImportedClientShare.client_id.label('client_id'))
>>>>       q1 = q1.join(ImportedPartnerShare, ImportedClientShare.deal_id ==
>>>> ImportedPartnerShare.deal_id)
>>>>       q1 = q1.join(Deal, ImportedClientShare.deal_id == Deal.id)
>>>>       q1 = q1.filter(
>>>>           ImportedPartnerShare.partner_id == partner_id, # input argument
>>>>           Deal.external_id != None,
>>>>       )
>>>>       q2 = session.query(ClientShare.client_id.label('client_id'))
>>>>       q2 = q2.join(PartnerShare, ClientShare.deal_id == 
>>>> PartnerShare.deal_id)
>>>>       q2 = q2.join(Deal, ClientShare.deal_id == Deal.id)
>>>>       q2 = q2.filter(
>>>>           PartnerShare.partner_id == partner_id, # input argument
>>>>           Deal.external_id == None,
>>>>       )
>>>>       client_ids = q1.union(q2).cte('client_ids')
>>>>       q = session.query(Client).with_polymorphic([PersonalClient,
>>>> CorporateClient])
>>>>       q = q.join(client_ids, Client.id == client_ids.c.client_id)
>>>> NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in row for column 'client.id'"
>>>> I also tried it without with_polymorphic() and the result is the same.
>>>> Do you have any idea what is going on / what am I doing wrong and how I 
>>>> can fix
>>>> this?
>>> Again, this is a very complex query, even more complex than the previous 
>>> one, and it boils down to limits in what the ORM can currently handle.  
>>> It's probably a bug, though there may be workarounds that allow it to work, 
>>> however it's the kind of issue that typically takes me many hours to 
>>> diagnose and fix or at least work around, given code that I can run and pdb 
>>> in order to debug.  This is not something you'd have much luck resolving on 
>>> your own unless you wanted to become deeply familiar with SQLAlchemy 
>>> internals.  
>>> I would recommend again making sure all these issues remain in the latest 
>>> 0.8 version and attempting to produce a rudimentary series of test classes 
>>> which I can run in order to reproduce your results.   I can reconstitute 
>>> these models looking just at your queries, though sometimes after all that 
>>> effort the issue isn't reproduced, due to some quirk in the mappings that's 
>>> also required.
>>> -- 
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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr
import re

class Base(object):
    def __tablename__(cls):
        name = cls.__name__
        return (
            name[0].lower() +
            re.sub(r'([A-Z])', lambda m: "_" + m.group(0).lower(), name[1:])

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

Base = declarative_base(cls=Base)

class ImportedClientShare(Base):
    deal_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('deal.id'), nullable=False)
    client_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('client.id'), nullable=False)

class ImportedPartnerShare(Base):
    deal_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('deal.id'), nullable=False)
    partner_id = Column(Integer)

class Deal(Base):
    external_id = Column(Integer)

class PartnerShare(Base):
    deal_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('deal.id'), nullable=False)
    partner_id = Column(Integer)

class ClientShare(Base):
    deal_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('deal.id'), nullable=False)
    client_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('client.id'), nullable=False)

class Client(Base):
    type = Column(String(50))
    external_id = Column(Integer)

    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_on': type,
        'polymorphic_identity': 'client'

class PersonalClient(Client):
    id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('client.id'), primary_key=True)
    data_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('personal_data.id'), nullable=False)
    data = relationship('PersonalData', uselist=False)
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': 'personal'

class CorporateClient(Client):
    id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('client.id'), primary_key=True)
    data_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('corporate_data.id'), nullable=False)
    data = relationship('CorporateData', uselist=False)
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': 'corporate'

class PersonalData(Base):
    address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('address.id'), nullable=False)
    address = relationship('Address', uselist=False)

class CorporateData(Base):
    address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('address.id'), nullable=False)
    address = relationship('Address', uselist=False)

class Address(Base):

engine = create_engine("postgresql://lada:heslo@localhost:5433/sandbox", echo='debug')

session = Session(engine)

partner_id = 610566

    Deal(id=2, external_id=10),
    PersonalData(id=1, address_id=1),
    CorporateData(id=1, address_id=2),
    PersonalClient(id=1, data_id=1),
    CorporateClient(id=2, data_id=1),

    ClientShare(id=1, deal_id=1, client_id=1),
    ImportedClientShare(id=1, deal_id=2, client_id=1),
    PartnerShare(id=1, deal_id=1, partner_id=partner_id),
    ImportedPartnerShare(id=1, deal_id=2, partner_id=partner_id),


q1 = session.query(ImportedClientShare.client_id.label('client_id'))

q1 = q1.join(ImportedPartnerShare,
                    ImportedClientShare.deal_id == ImportedPartnerShare.deal_id)
q1 = q1.join(Deal, ImportedClientShare.deal_id == Deal.id)

q1 = q1.filter(
   ImportedPartnerShare.partner_id == partner_id,
   Deal.external_id != None,

q2 = session.query(ClientShare.client_id.label('client_id'))

q2 = q2.join(PartnerShare, ClientShare.deal_id == PartnerShare.deal_id)
q2 = q2.join(Deal, ClientShare.deal_id == Deal.id)

q2 = q2.filter(
   PartnerShare.partner_id == partner_id,
   Deal.external_id == None,

client_ids = q1.union(q2).cte('client_ids')

q = session.query(Client).with_polymorphic([PersonalClient, CorporateClient])
q = q.join(client_ids, Client.id == client_ids.c.client_id)

#q = q.options(
#    joinedload_all(PersonalClient.data, PersonalData.address),
#    joinedload_all(CorporateClient.data, CorporateData.address),

q = q.options(
    subqueryload_all(PersonalClient.data, PersonalData.address),
    subqueryload_all(CorporateClient.data, CorporateData.address),

r = q.all()
print r[0].data.address

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