This has also been posted here:,
shoulda asked here first.

I have a use case for modelling data in a SQL schema rather than through 
defining SQLAlchemy objects. However, i require a way to construct the 
corresponding SQLAlchemy objects automatically from the SQL schema.

Currently i have:

from sqlalchemy import MetaData                                                 
                  from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base       

meta = MetaData(bind=your_engine)                                               
# get the table which we would like to represent as a Python object             
table = meta.tables['your_table_name']                                          
# define the object which we will use as the base class                         
                  base = declarative_base()                                     
                                    # create db object                          
                                                      MyObject = 
type(str(table.fullname), (base,), {'__table__': table})

however, the relationships between objects are not created. Any ideas how 
to go about doing this?


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