On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Paradox <para...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On 04/23/2013 04:31 PM, Simon King wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 6:54 AM, Paradox <para...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>> I have a question related to sqlalchemy and testing, not sure if this is
>>> the
>>> best place to ask so let me know if I am asking here in error.
>>> I am trying to learn to write and run tests using py.test. Currently I am
>>> working on a spreadsheet scrapper that gathers data from a directory tree
>>> of
>>> spreadsheets and puts them into an sqlite database to be manipulated from
>>> there.  In any function that has a session.query object however I get a
>>> "global name 'session' not defined" error when I run the tests.  Here is
>>> an
>>> example of the code:
>>> def get_list_of_filesprocessed():
>>>      '''Look in filesprocessed table and return list of all the values in
>>> the
>>> filename field''
>>>      return [r.filename for r in session.query(FilesProcessed).all()]
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>      engine = create_engine('sqlite:///scrapper.db', echo=True)
>>>      Base = declarative_base()
>>>      Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>>>      session = Session()
>>> How can I make the session available to the tests when they are run?  I
>>> have
>>> tried creating a decorator in the test file to initialize the session to
>>> no
>>> avail.  Any hints are appreciated.
>>> thomas
>> I haven't used py.test, but it almost certainly doesn't run the "if
>> __name__ == '__main__':" block of your test file, so the session is
>> never being created.
>> You could create the session in the test function itself, but another
>> option, particularly if you have the same repetitive steps to perform
>> for multiple tests, is to create a setup function. I see py.test has a
>> number of options for doing this:
>>    http://pytest.org/latest/xunit_setup.html#xunitsetup
>>    http://pytest.org/latest/fixture.html
>> Hope that helps,
>> Simon
> I appreciate the input.  I have put a setup fixture in the test file and
> that didn't work.  I had thought py.test ran the script like it was running
> from the command line but you are probably correct - it is only importing
> the specific function and not running the "if __name__" line at all.
> What do sqlalchemy users usually use for testing?  I am willing to learn
> other ways to do this that are more suited to the packages.
> thomas

When you say you created a setup fixture but it didn't work, what
didn't work exactly?

For example, if you just did something like this:

def setup():
    engine = ...
    Session = ...
    session = Session()

...then that won't work because session is a local variable inside the
setup function. At a minimum you'd need to put something like "global
session" at the beginning of the function.


PS. In answer to your question I use nosetests, but I think both
packages are fairly similar.

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