I've got a many to many relationship with the association table. The issue 
I am running into is that a given pesticide entry may have a pest or pests 
already in the pest table. I don't want to add the pest since it will be a 
duplicate, however I still want the association of that pest to the 
pesticide done.

I've looked at the Unique Object wiki, however I am not sure that solves my 
issue. Is there a way that SQLAlchemy can handle this, or do I need to 
manually build the entries in the PestToPesticide association table?



PestToPesticide = Table('pest_to_pesticide', Base.metadata,
                          Column('pesticide_id', Integer, 
                          Column('pest_id', Integer, 
class Pesticide(Base):
  __tablename__ = 'pesticide'
  row_id                 = 
  name                   =  Column(String(64), unique=True) 
  pestList                  =relationship("Pest", 
secondary=PestToPesticide, backref="pesticide")

class Pest(object):
  row_id                 = 
  name                   = Column(String(), unique=True) 

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