When you say you created a setup fixture but it didn't work, what
didn't work exactly?

For example, if you just did something like this:

def setup():
     engine = ...
     Session = ...
     session = Session()

...then that won't work because session is a local variable inside the
setup function. At a minimum you'd need to put something like "global
session" at the beginning of the function.


Simon and Panov,

I really appreciate your help with this, I think I have it worked out
now.  I will document what I did in case others have similar problems.

In py.test you can define a fixture (in the tests file) like:

@py.test fixture
def setup_session():
    engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mydatabasefile.db',echo=True)
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    session = Session()
    return session

Then in the test you need to pass the fixture function as an argument:

def get_list_of_filesprocessed(setup_session):
    result = get_list_of_filesprocessed()
    assert(result[0] == 'Expected first file name')

I was not properly passing the fixture to the test.

Thanks again for the assistance!


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