I have code that looks like this

engine = create_engine("sqlite://") 
...initialize stuff... 
metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(engine) 
 class Db: pass 
db = Db() 
 for table in metadata.sorted_tables: 
    setattr(db, table.name, table) 
query = select([db.bbc.c.name]).where( 
    db.bbc.c.gdp / db.bbc.c.population > select( 
        [(db.bbc.c.gdp / db.bbc.c.population)] 
            db.bbc.c.name == 'United Kingdom' 
    db.bbc.c.region == 'Europe' 
results = engine.execute(query).fetchall() 
 print query 
 for line in results: print line

It creates an in memory database, initializes it, reflects to get its 
tables out, and then performs some queries.
One thing that's I've noticed is the fact that I have to specify the engine 
twice: once at the top, when I create the metadata which will contain all 
the tables, and once at the bottom, when I actually perform the query.
In theory, the tables could already know what metadata and what engine they 
belong to; is it possible to replace the 

results = engine.execute(query).fetchall() 

with something like

results = query.execute().fetchall() 


Or similar? It's not a huge deal, but it just bugs me that I have to 
specify something twice when the computer should know what I want (in this 
case, what engine I want to use to query), and I was wondering if there was 
a way to avoid this.

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