this syntax is elaborate, as much as a CTE expression, which was a pretty 
complicated feature add.

Anyway, to create an object that has a ".c." attribute and which you can 
select() from, it has to be a FromClause subclass.   The columns get filled in 
using a method _populate_column_collection:

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import FromClause, column

class Pivot(FromClause):
    def __init__(self, keycol, pivot_col, attrnames, from_query):
        self.keycol = keycol
        self.pivot_col = pivot_col
        self.attrnames = attrnames
        self.from_query = from_query

    def _populate_column_collection(self):
        """Called on subclasses to establish the .c collection.

        Each implementation has a different way of establishing
        this collection.

        columns = [column(name) for name in self.attrnames]
        self._columns.update((, col) for col in columns)

above, I'm using lower-case-c column objects.  It's better if the column 
collection is filled in with upper-case-C columns that are ultimately derived 
from the Table they represent - if here that's keycol and pivot_col, you might 
want to do this:

class Pivot(FromClause):
    def __init__(self, keycol, pivot_col, attrnames, from_query):
        self.keycol = keycol
        self.pivot_col = pivot_col
        self.attrnames = attrnames
        self.from_query = from_query

    def _populate_column_collection(self):
        """Called on subclasses to establish the .c collection.

        Each implementation has a different way of establishing
        this collection.

        self.keycol._make_proxy(self, self.attrnames[0])
        self.pivot_col._make_proxy(self, self.attrnames[1])

so that an expression like x.c.attribute1 is really referring to a derivation 
of the "keycol" (I'm not sure if that's how the Pivot is supposed to be 
constructed, though).

Building a custom FROM clause though, a little tricky.   Feel free to send 
along a whole working example.

On May 10, 2013, at 7:17 PM, Dan Farmer <> wrote:

> I'm trying to extend SQLA with a construct for using SQL Server's PIVOT 
> functionality. I've written a class and a @compiles function to generate the 
> query for this and this produces the correct query (e.g., given a 
> sqlalchemy.Table and some Column objects it produces the right query).
> My problem is that the return type is a string, not a 
> sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select like object, so I can't do something like 
> x = Pivot(table.c.key_col, table.c.pivot_col, ['attribute1, 'attribute2'], 
> from_query)
> y =[x.c.attribute1])
> After Googling around I really couldn't find any examples like this. The 
> examples on the documentation page seem to also just produce strings (and are 
> Executable rather than "Selectable" anyway).  (Mainly 
> and 
> Anyone have some tips on how to make the above do-able? An explanation for 
> how to produce any kind of custom select statement (that could then be 
> selected from) would be fine. Or if this isn't possible currently please let 
> me know.
> Thanks,
> Dan
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