On May 19, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Charlie Clark <charlie.cl...@clark-consulting.eu> 

> Hi,
> I have created a stored procedure on a MySQL database to create a "pivot 
> table". To reduce network traffic the procedure generates some SQL and then 
> executes a statement. It has no return value. I have had trouble calling the 
> procedure from sqlachemy using the mysq-connector driver. From the searches 
> I've done it seems that there is no standard or easy way of doing this 
> because of the different, if any, ways .callproc() is implemented. I'm 
> therefore looking for the best or most convenient way of integrating the 
> procedure in SQLAlchemy code.
> The procedure is:
> CREATE PROCEDURE `http`.`cdn_pivot` ()
> BEGIN SET @@group_concat_max_len = 32000;
> SET @sql = NULL;
> SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT( ' sum(IF(cdn = ''', cdn, ''', 
> sites,NULL)) "' ,cdn, '"' ) )
> INTO @sql
> FROM cdn_trend;
> SET @stmt = CONCAT('SELECT labelDate, ', @sql, ' from cdn_trend group by 
> labelDate'); prepare stmt from @stmt; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt;
> SET @@group_concat_max_len = 1024;
> And this *has* to be called and read like this:
> c = con.cursor()
> c.callproc("cdn_pivot")
> for r in c.stored_results():
>     print r.fetchall()
> So .execute() cannot be used. I can think of two solutions: do the first part 
> of the procedure in Python and simply execute the generated statement. This 
> adds a network call but also increases the testability of the code. Secondly, 
> access the cursor directly with something likte:
> c = session.connection.cursor()
> c.callproc()
> for r in c.stored_results():
>     pass
> print r.fetchall()
> Is this a reasonable summary of the situation?

you want to pull a DBAPI cursor from SQLAlchemy's notion of the DBAPI 
connection, like this:

dbapi_conn = session.connection().connection
cursor = dbapi_conn.cursor()

# etc.

this is:




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