On 05/23/2013 09:06 PM, Mike Bissell wrote:
How might I convince SQLAlchemy 0.7.9 to create a newly added index on a table 
in the event that the index doesn't already exist? This new index is created as 
a member of __table_args__; it is not instantiated with index=True. I have many 
such index objects to create.

Calling create_all() doesn't appear to issue CREATEs for a table if it already 
exists. I think that's because the optional checkfirst parameter defaults to 

Setting checkfirst=False breaks because trying to create an already existing DB 
object is an error, and most of my DB already exists:

     ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) relation "organism" already exists
     '\nCREATE TABLE organism (\n\tid SERIAL NOT NULL, \n\tname VARCHAR NOT 
NULL, \n\tPRIMARY KEY (id)\n)\n\n' {}

I did check stackoverflow, and their unsatisfactory advice was simply to cut 
and paste the generated DDL:


In a perfect world, I'd like a way to drop a new index onto a column with the 
assurance that SQLAlchemy will create it as needed. In my case, this DB is just 
a big testing data set, so there is no need for formal migrations.

If this feature doesn't exist, I would settle for a function that would take a 
table and conditionally create any missing pieces (specifically indexes).

As a last resort, is the correct way to do this simply to call Index.create for 
each index I make?


I would suggest event.listen with a DDL event:

1- first a routine to check if the objects exists (vendors providing the "create if not exists" idiom could help here, too):

def should_create(ddl, target, connection, state, **kw):
    row = connection.execute("select relname from pg_class where "
    return not bool(row)

2- then an event that will be execute when the time is right:

event.listen(Base.metadata, "after_create", DDL("create index lower_value_ix on dummy_table(lower(value))".execute_if(callable_=should_create, state="lower_value_ix"))

These chapters should be of help:



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