I'm trying to adopt the examples from:


to work with my code base and so I've copy and pasted the caching_query.py
into my project and started doing queries like this:

DBSession = scoped_session(

def get_user_by_username(session, username, with_profile=True):
    query = session.query(User).filter(
        User.username == username

    if with_profile:
        query = query.options(
            , RelationshipCache(User.profile)

    user = query.one()

    return user

The first problem I see is now its complaining about conflicting column

SAWarning: Column 'pk' on table <sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select at
0x7fdd7af2e2d0; Select object> being replaced by another column with the
same key.  Consider use_labels for select() statements.
  self[column.key] = column

I was able to fix this by adding _with_labels = True to the CachingQuery
code but not sure if that is the best place to do that.

Without the caching query it was generating the labels correctly.

The only other problem I had with the example was that it is using
unicode() which isn't python3 compatible but that was also a pretty easy

Thanks for the example!  Is there a reason it has to live in examples
rather than being a part of SQLAlchemy or a 3rd glue package?  It seems to
work well

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