
Sorry for the long delay. I finally had enough time to produce a minimal
self-contained regression. The attached file produces the following SQL:

q_cte(partner_id, max_depth) AS (
        partner.id AS partner_id,
        1 AS max_depth
    FROM partner
    WHERE partner.sponsor_id IS NULL
        partner_alias.id AS partner_id,
        max_depth + 1 AS max_depth
        partner AS partner_alias,
        q_cte AS q_cte_alias
    WHERE partner_alias.sponsor_id = q_cte_alias.partner_id
    q_cte.partner_id AS q_cte_partner_id, -- suspicious
    partner.sponsor_id AS partner_sponsor_id
    JOIN partner ON q_cte.partner_id = q_cte.partner_id -- BUG

I would expect this (q_cte part is correct):

q_cte(partner_id, max_depth) AS (
    partner.id AS partner_id,
    partner.sponsor_id AS partner_sponsor_id
    JOIN partner ON q_cte.partner_id = partner.id

The bug is somehow related to the use of select_from().

Hope this helps,

Ladislav Lenart

On 10.5.2013 22:04, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On May 10, 2013, at 3:03 PM, Ladislav Lenart <lenart...@volny.cz> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> My main concern was that the query creates a cartesian product and I thought 
>> the
>> warning might have something to do with it. It haven't. The problem is 
>> related
>> to the use of select_from():
>>    q = session.query(cls, PersonalContact).select_from(q_cte_union)
>>    q = q.join(cls, cls.id == q_cte_union.c.partner_id)
>> This part renders the following SQL:
>>    q_cte
>>    JOIN partner ON q_cte.partner_id = q_cte.partner_id
>> As you can see, the JOIN condition is wrong though I have no idea why. The
>> following works, however:
>>    q = session.query(cls)
>>    q = q.add_entity(PersonalContact)
>>    q = q.join(q_cte_union, cls.id == q_cte_union.c.partner_id)
>> Is my usage of select_from() bad for some reason? Do you know what's going 
>> on? I
>> can provide you a fully runnable test case if you still need it (on Monday).
>> Note also that I use SA 0.7.9. Is this fixed in later versions?
> I've no idea why you're getting it without more context - if everything is 
> generated from a query(), typically the "labels" are already applied, with 
> the exception of some operations such as subquery() (maybe cte? not sure, I'd 
> need to try it, hence an already existing example saves me lots of time 
> tinkering around trying to guess what you're doing).
> Things have been improved in 0.8 regarding same-named columns but that only 
> applies when the labels are already present.

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# coding=utf-8
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal_column
from sqlalchemy.orm.util import aliased
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

Base = declarative_base()
session = None

class Partner(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'partner'
    id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    sponsor_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('partner.id', ondelete='SET NULL'))
    sponsor = relationship('Partner', primaryjoin='Partner.sponsor_id == Partner.id', remote_side='Partner.id', uselist=False)

    def find_subtree(self, max_depth=None):
        cls = self.__class__
        i0 = literal_column('1').label('max_depth')
        q_base = session.query(cls.id.label('partner_id'), i0).filter(cls.sponsor_id == self.id)
        q_cte = q_base.cte(name='q_cte', recursive=True)
        q_cte_alias = aliased(q_cte, name='q_cte_alias')
        partner_alias = aliased(cls, name='partner_alias')
        i1 = literal_column('max_depth + 1').label('max_depth')
        q_rec = session.query(partner_alias.id.label('partner_id'), i1)
        q_rec = q_rec.filter(partner_alias.sponsor_id == q_cte_alias.c.partner_id)
        if max_depth is not None:
            q_rec = q_rec.filter(q_cte_alias.c.max_depth < max_depth)
        q_cte_union = q_cte.union_all(q_rec)
        q = session.query(cls).select_from(q_cte_union)
        q = q.join(cls, cls.id == q_cte_union.c.partner_id)
        # q = q.join(q_cte_union, cls.id == q_cte_union.c.partner_id)
        return q

def main():
    global session
    conn_string = 'postgresql+psycopg2://lada:heslo@localhost:5433/zfp_xxx'
    engine = create_engine(conn_string, echo=True)
    session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False)()
    Base.metadata.bind = engine
    root = Partner()
    q = root.find_subtree()
    print q

if __name__ == '__main__':

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