I have a polymorphic class with a self-referential parent->children 
relationship. In an ideal world, I'd be able to do:

session.query(Item) \
        .options(joinedload('children')) \

and get the info I need, but I'm on mysql, so this isn't doable due to 
sqlalchemy insisting on using performance-destroying unbounded subqueries 
even when the db cannot possibly support them. This one issue has caused me 
more headaches and man-hours than I could possibly describe, as everything 
we do has to be doublechecked to make sure we're not accidentally asking 
sqlalchemy to do a join that it can't handle in an efficient manner.

If i have a class using tables A and B, what is the easiest way for me to 
get sqlalchemy to issue a query that looks like:

select *
from a
left outer join b on ....
left outerjoin a as a2 on a2.parent_id = a.id
left outerjoin b as b2 on b2.id = a2.id

and use a contains_eager option to populate 'children'?

The sample code below shows the most successful method I've found, which 
still doesn't completely work (checking parent_id on the child returns 
None). How do I solve this problem? If I could take the output of 
session.query(Item).options(joinedload('children')).all() and just 
eliminate the parens, everything would be great. Is there an internal param 
for this I could toggle? 

It's only left joins (I only query against the base class, and 
with_polymorphic is set on the mapper, because querying against the poly 
class would produce an inner join, which guarantees sqla will try to make a 
subquery and destroy the DB again), so stripping the parens shouldn't have 
any impact aside from a 99.9% reduction in execution time.

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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr, has_inherited_table
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship, backref, joinedload, aliased, contains_eager

e = create_engine('sqlite:////tmp/test.db', echo=True)
Base = declarative_base()
Base.metadata = MetaData(e)

class Item(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'items'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    item_type = Column(String(50), default='Item')
    parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('items.id'))

    children = relationship('Item', uselist=True,
        backref=backref('parent', remote_side=id))

    def __mapper_args__(cls):
        if not has_inherited_table(cls):
            ret =  {
                'polymorphic_identity': cls.__name__,
                'polymorphic_on': 'item_type',
                'with_polymorphic': '*',
            ret = {'polymorphic_identity': cls.__name__}
        return ret

class CustomItem(Item):
    __tablename__ = 'items_ext'
    id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Item.id), primary_key=True)
    custom_name = Column(Unicode(50))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    session = Session(e)
    parent = CustomItem()
    child = CustomItem(parent=parent)

    # what I want to do, but can't due to unbounded subquery destroying everything
    session.query(Item) \
        .options(joinedload('children')) \
SELECT items.id AS items_id, items.item_type AS items_item_type, items.parent_id AS items_parent_id, items2.id AS items2_id, anon_1.items_id AS anon_1_items_id, anon_1.items_item_type AS anon_1_items_item_type, anon_1.items_parent_id AS anon_1_items_parent_id, anon_1.items2_id AS anon_1_items2_id 
FROM items LEFT OUTER JOIN items2 ON items.id = items2.id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT items.id AS items_id, items.item_type AS items_item_type, items.parent_id AS items_parent_id, items2.id AS items2_id 
FROM items LEFT OUTER JOIN items2 ON items.id = items2.id) AS anon_1 ON items.id = anon_1.items_parent_id

    t1 = Item.__table__
    t2 = CustomItem.__table__
    at1 = aliased(t1)
    at2 = aliased(t2)
    # this almost works, but parent_id is None
    items = session.query(Item) \
        .outerjoin((t1, 'children'), aliased=True) \
        .outerjoin(at2) \
        .options(contains_eager('children', alias=at2)) \
        .filter(Item.id == 1) \
SELECT items_ext_1.id AS items_ext_1_id, items.item_type AS items_item_type, items.parent_id AS items_parent_id, items_ext_1.custom_name AS items_ext_1_custom_name, items.id AS items_id, items_ext.id AS items_ext_id, items_ext.custom_name AS items_ext_custom_name 
FROM items LEFT OUTER JOIN items_ext ON items.id = items_ext.id LEFT OUTER JOIN items AS items_1 ON items.id = items_1.parent_id LEFT OUTER JOIN items_ext AS items_ext_1 ON items_1.id = items_ext_1.id 
WHERE items.id = ?
    for item in items:
        print 'ID:', item.id, '\n'
        print 'children:'
        for c in item.children:
            print '\tid=%s, parent_id=%s' % (c.id, c.parent_id)

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