Hi all,

Based on some comments here and in the SqlAlchemy IRC chat room, I've 
updated my decorator to make some changes. Here is the updated version:

class ScopedSession(object):
    SESSIONMAKER = None      # this is the single sessionmaker instance
    def __init__(self, engine, auto_commit=True):
        assert engine is not None, "Must pass a valid engine parameter"
        self._auto_commit = auto_commit
        if ScopedSession.SESSIONMAKER is None:
            ScopedSession.SESSIONMAKER = 
scoped_session(sessionmaker(expire_on_commit=True, bind=engine))
    def __call__(self, func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            db_session = ScopedSession.SESSIONMAKER()
                results = func(db_session, *args, **kwargs)
                # should we rollback for safety?
                if not self._auto_commit:
                # release the session back to the connection pool
            return results
        return wrapper

This version changes the code to a class based decorator so that I can 
create and use a single sessionmaker. It also calls the close() method of 
the session at the end of the decorator to release the session back to the 
connection pool. 

In response to using SqlAlchemy in a thread (in Twisted), I also write 
Pylons applications which use SqlAlchemy as the database backend. Since 
every request is a thread in Pylons, SqlAlchemy runs in those threads 
without a problem, so I'm not sure I see the problem running it in Twisted. 
The threads.deferToThread(...) call is nothing fancy in Twisted, it gets a 
thread from a thread pool, runs the passed function in that thread, and 
returns a deferred that fires in the main Twisted thread when the thread 
ends. This code looks like this:

def update(data):
    # this function does some db work
    def process(session):
        # this method will be run in a thread and is passed a session by 
the decorator
        results = session.query(<use data parameter since it's in scope>)
        return results
    # call the internal process function in a thread
        results = yield threads.deferToThread(process)
     except Exception, e:
        # do something with exceptions

Using @defer.inlineCallbacks makes calling asynchronous code easier to 
write in Twisted than using the traditional callback model (in my opinion). 
Defining the process() method internally gives it access to the parameters 
within the scope it's defined within and allows me to simplify it's 
parameters down to the session received from the @ScopedSession decorator. 
process() returns the SqlAlchemy results normally and is received into 
results when the yield returns from the thread (deferred fires). In the 
above example the session is commited and closed by the @ScopedSession 
decorator because I didn't override the default auto_commite=True parameter.

Any comments, criticisms or suggestions are welcome, and again, thanks in 

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