> HI!
> I implemented a TypeDecorator which allows setting the precision of a 
> datetime value. 
> It does something like:
> *import datetime*
> *
> *
> *class PrecisionDateTime(TypeDecorator):*
> *    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):*
> *        return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month,*
> *                                 value.hour, value.minute,*
> *                                 0, 0)*
> This works but the problem is, that I have to call Session.refresh() on 
> every added (and flushed) 
> object because otherwise the date-column still has the old value (with 
> second != 0 and millisecond != 0).
> Is there a way the refresh could be avoided?
> you'd want to switch/augment by using a @validates rule:
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/mapper_config.html?highlight=validates#simple-validators
Thanks for the fast answer Michael!

Your suggestion brought me onto the right track!

I solved it like this:

*def create_dt_precision_validator(precision):*
*    def validate_precision_date_time(target, value, oldvalue, initiator):*
*        return change_date_precision(value, precision)*
*    return validate_precision_date_time*
*@event.listens_for(orm.mapper, 'mapper_configured')*
*def add_precision_dt_validators(mapper, class_):*
*    for prop in mapper.iterate_properties:*
*        if isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty):*
*            for column in prop.columns:*
*                if isinstance(column.type, PrecisionDateTime):*
*                    event.listen(prop, 'set',*
*                                 create_dt_precision_validator(*
*                                     column.type.precision),*
*                                 retval=True)*

Somehow I like it better when I am able to define such rules at the column 
level. But the @validators
features is good to know!

Thanks a lot,

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