
I ended up with the following query:

    def _find_contacts_fetch_window(cls, contact_cls, win):
        """Special data-fetching query for contacts and all their related info
        including tags, partner, client,...

        NOTE: We build the FROM part entirely by hand, because SA generates bad
        SQL for postgres. It does a FULL SCAN of client and personal_client /
        corporate_client even though it reads at most window_size rows from
        them. All this because SA inheritance creates a subselect which leads
        to the full scan.
        # win .. list of ids
        # contact_cls .. PersonalContact / CorporateContact
        client_cls = contact_cls.client_cls() # PersonalClient / CorporateClient
        data_cls = client_cls.data_cls() # PersonalData / CorporateData

        # We need TABLEs to build the FROM part by hand.
        # We reference PersonalData/CorporateData and Address twice, hence we
        # need to alias them.
        # We also need their aliased ORM classes for contains_eager() to work.
        contact_table = Contact.__table__
        contact_subtable = contact_cls.__table__
        client_table = Client.__table__
        personal_client_table = client_cls.__table__
        partner_table = Partner.__table__
        partner_data_table = PersonalData.__table__.alias(name='partner_data')
        partner_address_table = Address.__table__.alias(name='partner_address')
        client_data_table = data_cls.__table__.alias(name='client_data')
        client_address_table = Address.__table__.alias(name='client_address')
        partner_data = aliased(PersonalData, partner_data_table)
        partner_address = aliased(Address, partner_address_table)
        client_data = aliased(data_cls, client_data_table)
        client_address = aliased(Address, client_address_table)
        select_from = contact_table.join(
            contact_table.c.id == contact_subtable.c.id
            contact_subtable.c.client_id == client_table.c.id
            client_table.c.id == personal_client_table.c.id
            personal_client_table.c.data_id == client_data_table.c.id
            client_data_table.c.address_id == client_address_table.c.id
        options = [
            subqueryload_all(contact_cls.contact_tags, ContactTag.tag),
            contains_eager(contact_cls.client, client_cls.data, 
            contains_eager(contact_cls.client, client_cls.data,
client_data.address, alias=client_address),
        if contact_cls is PersonalContact:
            select_from = select_from.outerjoin(
                contact_subtable.c.partner_id == partner_table.c.id
                partner_table.c.personal_data_id == partner_data_table.c.id
                partner_data_table.c.address_id == partner_address_table.c.id
                contains_eager(contact_cls.partner, Partner.personal_data,
                contains_eager(contact_cls.partner, Partner.personal_data,
partner_data.address, alias=partner_address),
        q = session.query(contact_cls).select_from(select_from)
        q = q.filter(contact_cls.id.in_(win))
        q = q.options(*options)
        return q

It works great though it took me quite a while to get right, especially the
aliasing between tables and classes. Also, I wouldn't figure it out without your
help (I mean the part with select_from).

Thank you again,

Ladislav Lenart

On 13.6.2013 18:44, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Jun 13, 2013, at 11:03 AM, Ladislav Lenart <lenart...@volny.cz> wrote:
>> Unfortunately migrating to SA 0.9 is not an option for me at the moment due 
>> to
>> severe time constraints.
> I was pretty sure you'd say that, though I'm really looking to verify that my 
> fixes are going to hold up under real world usage.   The issues you're having 
> are real issues, and they've been fixed.
>> Could you please help me write SA query for 0.7.9 that uses index scan and 
>> also
>> loads all the necessary relations? It must be possible with a proper use of
>> from_statement(), contains_eager() and/or other SA features. It is just that 
>> toy
>> examples in the documentation don't help me much with this complex beast.
> you use the SQL expression language in conjunction with .join()/outerjoin(), 
> pass to query.select_from(), then use contains_eager():
> j = 
> Foo.__table__.outerjoin(Bar.__table__.outerjoin(BarA.__table__).outerjoin(Data.__table__))
> q = s.query(Foo).\
>             select_from(j).\
>             filter(Foo.id.in_([1, 2, 3])).\
>             options(
>                 contains_eager(Foo.bar),
>                 contains_eager(Foo.bar.of_type(BarA), BarA.data)
>             )

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