
I am glad to introduce SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach, a new extension for attaching 
images to entity objects.  It provides the following features:

- Storage backend interface: Yu can use file system backend on your local 
development box, and switch it to AWS S3 when it’s deployed to the production 
box.  Or you can add a new backend implementation by yourself.

- Maintaining multiple image sizes: Any size of thumbnails can be generated 
from the original size without assuming the fixed set of sizes. You can 
generate a thumbnail of a particular size if it doesn't exist yet when the size 
is requested. Use RRS (Reduced Redundancy Storage) for reproducible thumbnails 
on S3.

- Every image has its URL: Attached images can be exposed as a URL.

- SQLAlchemy transaction aware: Saved file are removed when the ongoing 
transaction has been rolled back.

- Tested on various environments: Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, PyPy / PostgreSQL, 
MySQL, SQLite / SQLAlchemy 0.8 or higher

On the other hand, it does not provide:

- General file attachment: It only supports images.
- BLOB storage: It doesn’t use BLOB data type at all.
- Image preprocessing: It simply does resizing, but any other image processings 
like crop aren’t provided.  (Although you can do such things using Wand, 
SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach depends on.)

Today I released SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach 0.8.0 which is its first stable 
version.  You can install it using pip or easy_install:

  $ pip install SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach

Docs and repository can be found at the following urls:


Please try it out and give me feedback!

Hong Minhee

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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