Thanks:) I previously used cast instead of types_coerce for my use case.

On Friday, June 28, 2013 10:45:35 PM UTC+2, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Jun 28, 2013, at 4:20 PM, Łukasz Fidosz < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > When subtracting DateTime columns in query, like: 
> session.query((Foo.datetime1 - Foo.datetime2).label('diff')) SQLAlchemy 
> tries to handle result as timedelta but MySQL returns float as a result so 
> it crashes with "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'float' and 
> 'datetime.datetime'" exception. 
> > So I wondering if it's a bug or it should never be queried like that and 
> proper function for subtracting datetimes should be always used instead? 
> > Tested on fresh cloned from repository SQLAlchemy version. 
> > Example code is attached to this message. 
> its a missing feature right now.   ideally we can add a rule to MySQL's 
> datetime object that subtraction should return a type that will translate 
> the float to an Interval (I'm guessing it's a number of days). 
> You can get the float right now like this: 
> from sqlalchemy import type_coerce 
> session.query((type_coerce(Foo.date1 - Foo.date2, 
> Float)).label('diff')).all() 
> Or if on 0.8, a more comprehensive workaround like this: 
> from sqlalchemy import type_coerce, Float, TypeDecorator 
> class MySQLInterval(TypeDecorator): 
>     impl = Float 
>     def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): 
>         # guessing, seems to be close 
>         return datetime.timedelta(days=value / 100 / 60 / 60 / 24) 
> class MySQLDateTime(TypeDecorator): 
>     impl = DateTime 
>     class comparator_factory(TypeDecorator.Comparator): 
>         def __sub__(self, other): 
>             return type_coerce(type_coerce(self.expr, DateTime) - other, 
> MySQLInterval) 
> Using MySQLDateTime will then treat the result of a __sub__() as a float 
> to convert into a timedelta. 

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