Hey gang - 

Alembic 0.6.0 has been sitting in the hopper for awhile so I figured I'd put it 
out.     The two changes here I'm most excited about are no longer needing 2to3 
for Python 3, and also I've made the display of "history" much nicer, since I 
used that a lot and I needed something easier to read - it also allows for 
ranges now too.

There's some other nifty changes that have more potential than they might 
initially seem to, including that you can now add any number of custom 
arguments to any command using the new "-x" option, and then parsing for them 
in your env.py using get_x_argument(), and there's also a new feature that 
allows you to limit autogenerate at the column level, in addition to the table 
and schema level as before.

There's a bunch of issues that have piled up in Alembic, the vast majorty 
concern autogenerate, and there's another thread that refers to how Alembic's 
versioning model works.  There are some "big" ideas in place to rework both of 
these systems in a fairly dramatic way.    

For autogenerate, the idea is that we would in most cases not rely upon 
database reflection anymore, instead we will try to compare schemas based on 
different versions of the code directly.  This would require that the current 
state of the incoming MetaData() is written out to some serialized format, 
which I'm thinking might be nice as JSON - though it can start as pickle.    
Creating a MetaData->JSON serializer/deserializer would be great but also a 
very big job.   The advantage to comparing Python-generated metadata objects is 
that we are guaranteed to catch all changes in the schema perfectly, defaults, 
types, arguments on types, all of it, without any reliance on the quirks of 
database reflection - since the purpose of autogenerate is really just to 
detect what Tables/Columns have been added, removed or changed in the code, 
versus what the code was before.   Decisions have to be made here as to what 
role reflection will continue to play, what the upgrade path will be for 
existing deployments, does the behavior kick in automatically or does it 
require some configuration, etc.   

The other change to the versioning model is just as dramatic and involves 
reworking the versioning to work based on an open-ended dependency graph, 
meaning any particular revision is dependent on zero or more previous 
revisions, rather than all revisions being lined up in a straight line.   The 
upgrade process would then find itself at a certain target by navigating the 
topological sort of this dependency graph, pretty much the same idea as how 
SQLAlchemy's unit of work functions.   With this model, the issue of merging 
branches mostly goes away, as two unrelated migrations from different branches 
can both be pulled in and just be siblings of each other without issue.

Neither of these two changes are something I personally need in any urgent way 
- I generally treat database migrations as a mostly manual process in any case 
and I'm happy to edit the mistakes in my autogenerate migrations by hand and to 
deal with the very occasional merge manually.    I do get a lot of complaints 
about the many edge cases present in autogenerate at least so at some point it 
would be nice to get to this issue.

Anyway, 0.6.0 is ready to go, happy downloading:



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