On Thursday, 25 July 2013 11:39:23 UTC-4, Michael Bayer wrote:
> But your backend isn't doing this; if you were using Postgresql for 
> example, it should be returning a timedelta() already.  So perhaps this is 
> MySQL.   you'd need to make a TypeDecorator that receives this integer and 
> does what you want with it.  You'd emulate the "Epoch" decorator currently 
> illustrated at 
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/core/types.html#sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator:

Yeah, sorry for forgetting to mention the back end .. I'm using sqlite, so 
my datetime objects are being written as strings.  That's why I'm using 
strftime('%s', ...) to convert them to epoch seconds before doing 
arithmetic with them.

I think I understand the mechanism here... except that since this isn't a 
real type (there's no data store behind this) is process_bind_param() 
useful at all?

For process_result_value() I think I want something like:

def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
   return datetime.timedelta(seconds=value)

... since it's seconds-since-epoch that I'm doing arithmetic with.

Thanks for the pointers!  Off to mess around with this and see what I get..

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