
I'm running:

selected_eventids = []

selected_event = 
>= selection_percentile, 
Master_Simulation_Event.event_id.notin_(selected_eventids) ).\
                order_by(Master_Simulation_Event.cumulative_probability - 

And it generates:

2013-08-06 18:03:43,196 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT TOP 1 
master_simulation_events.id AS master_simulation_events_id, 
master_simulation_events.event_id AS master_simulation_events_event_id, 
master_simulation_events.rate AS master_simulation_events_rate, 
master_simulation_events.sample_probability AS 
master_simulation_events.cumulative_probability AS 
FROM master_simulation_events 
WHERE master_simulation_events.cumulative_probability >= ? AND 
master_simulation_events.event_id != master_simulation_events.event_id 
ORDER BY master_simulation_events.cumulative_probability - ?
2013-08-06 18:03:43,196 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine 
(0.19528160149168805, 0.19528160149168805)

The important part is the notin_([]) is translated to: 
 master_simulation_events.event_id != master_simulation_events.event_id

I recieve the following warning:

C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\expression.py:1982: SAWarning: 
The IN-predicate on "master_simulation_events.event_id" was invoked with an 
empty sequence. This results in a contradiction, which nonetheless can be 
expensive to evaluate.  Consider alternative strategies for improved 
  return o[0](self, self.expr, op, *(other + o[1:]), **kwargs)

While it doesn't make a lot of sense to pass an empty list to an in_ clause 
I think passing an emtpy list list to notin_ clause is OK and it shouldn't 
be replaced.

Is this a bug?


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