On Friday, August 23, 2013 1:52:41 AM UTC+3, Michael Bayer wrote:
> wow that is quite a compliment, I of course have heard of Doctrine and met 
> many PHP users who use it extensively.   This is really amazing that you're 
> A. using Python now B. using SQLAlchemy and C. writing full blown software 
> for it, wow !


> These are all really interesting projects and I had a lot of thoughts 
> looking at all of them just briefly.   I also wonder at what points within 
> here should/can some of this be part of SQLA itself, or not.  Here's my 
> notes:
> wtforms:
> 1. in all cases, use inspect(cls) to get at a Mapper.  if on 0.7, use 
> class_mapper(cls).   but it would be great if you could target 0.8 and up 
> as a lot of functions were added for exactly these kinds of use cases (See 
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/faq.html#how-do-i-get-a-list-of-all-columns-relationships-mapped-attributes-etc-given-a-mapped-class
> )
> 2. ClassManager.values() is not terrible, but again isn't super "public". 
>  you can use mapper.attrs as well as mapper.column_attrs and others as of 
> 0.8.

These are both valid points and I fully agree with you.


> versioning:
> 2. unit_of_work.py: you can tell if a statement is an INSERT/DELETE 
> usually by looking at context.isinsert/context.isdelete, and also the table 
> name 
> you can get from context.statement.table (something like that).  Similar 
> things can be done where I see you're regexping the DELETE
> later on.   Digging into the string is fine but once you're targeting the 
> broad spectrum of scenarios, like users that are adding SQL comments and 
> such to their SQL, backends that don't actually use SQL, you want to stick 
> with inspecting the expression trees as much as possible.
> 3. make schema object names configurable, i.e. "transaction_id"

Good points. I created issues for both.


> 4. This code looks great but I'd still be scared to use it, because 
> versioning is such a particular thing, not to mention
> interactions with other schema complexities.    But I don't say that to be 
> discouraging, just to state how non-trivial a problem 
> this is.   When i do versioning for real, there's always weird quirks and 
> things 
> specific to the app, which are easier to hardcode in my versioning code 
> rather than having to configure a 3rd party library to do it.
> it's why i kept it as just an "example" in SQLA itself, it's a huge job... 
>   but if you can make this extension successful,
> that'll be very impressive.   In the docs it would be nice if I could see 
> immediately what happens to the SQL schema when I use this.

I will add this in the docs and I agree the whole thing is a little bit 
scary. :) I think we can make it a great tool though. One of the things I 
don't like about Hibernate Envers is its API. With Continuum I tried to get 
ideas for the API from the best versioning Ruby world has (especially 

The schema Continuum generates is basically the same as the one Hibernate 
Envers generates (with a little bit different naming conventions).


> sqlalchemy_utils:
> 1. have coercion_listener configure itself?   
> coercion_listener.configure().  since it's global usually,
> and you could always pass a target base class to configure() as an option.

Good idea.

> 2. ScalarListType vs. Postgresql ARRAY ?   same/better?  should SLT use 
> ARRAY on a PG backend ?

Hmm I'm not sure about this yet. Its definately not better than using 
PostgreSQL ARRAY. ARRAY is better in many ways but its PostgreSQL specific. 
Maybe we could make ScalarListType use ARRAY on PostgreSQL by default (as 
you suggested).


> 3. operators for types!   I see these are mostly string storage but you 
> can start adding special operations as
> needed using TypeEngine.Comparator: 
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/core/types.html#types-operators e.g. 
> look at all the operations that pg.ARRAY has (contains, indexed 
> access, concatenation, etc.). then you can make all these types *really* 
> slick.

EmailType already uses CaseInsensitiveComparator. I will add more of these 
as you suggested once I figure out what kind of operators each type needs. 

> 4a. batch_fetch - hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....  I see the idea is avoid JOIN by just 
> feeding the keys into an IN (caveat there, IN works well for small lists, 
> but less so for large - Oracle at least limits their size to 1000, when I 
> have to use batch IN I will actually batch within the IN itself in groups 
> of 500 or so).   You know you could build this as a loader strategy.  an 
> API overhaul of that system
> is coming up but the LoaderStrategy API shouldn't change much.   Then you 
> could just say query.options(batch_load_all("a.b.c")) like
> any other option.   LoaderStrategy isn't an API that people use often but 
> it is extensible, and 0.9 it's even nicer already, with more to come.   I 
> recently posted about it on the development list, if you want to check out 
> sqlalchemy-devel (it's a pretty dead list but I'd value your input).    I 
> will note that the subquery loader strategy, which this is very similar to, 
>  was *very* hard to get working in all cases, compared to how it was super 
> easy to get working for simple cases.   because relationship() is *so* 
> flexible, esp. with things like self-referential inheritance setups, 
> loading gets very hard very quick.

Thanks for clarifying the caveats of IN operator. I didn't know Oracle had 
that limit. Adding batch fetch as a new LoaderStrategy would indeed be 
great! I will look into this.

> 4b. does that IN do tuple lookups for composite primary keys?   you can 
> get that by saying tuple_(*keys).in_(list_of_tuples).

Not yet. I added an issue for this.

> 5. sort_query - I think you can avoid the private attribute access if you 
> use query.column_descriptions: 
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/query.html?highlight=query.column_descriptions#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.column_descriptionsI
>  added that for a similar purpose as the one here.

Thanks for pointing this out. Added an issue for this too.

> Overall: maybe you want to "brand" all these packages under a common 
> package using namespace packages? (
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0420/ is the future of it, you still 
> need the explicit directives for now).   I do that for "dogpile.", e.g. 
> "dogpile.cache", "dogpile.core", etc.  like monkeysql.wtforms, 
> monkeysql.utils, monkeysql.versioning etc. (not sure of the role of the 
> Monkey character in your canon...).  since your packages do have some 
> dependencies between them.

It would be great if some of these packages could become official 
SQLAlchemy plugins/extensions some day. It would also be great if those 
extensions could be magically registered as sqlalchemy extensions in 
Flask-esque way (eg. from sqlalchemy.ext.continuum import 

I'd like to see a section in SQLAlchemy website of 'official' extensions. 
If you feel some extension is mature and good enough it could be put there 
to gain good visibility. Currently we could put GeoAlchemy in there?

thanks very much for supporting the project, can we get FastMonkey and such 
> up on http://www.sqlalchemy.org/organizations.html ?     looks great !
> - mike
Sure! You could add this text:

'Fast Monkeys is a product development house based in Finland. We develop 
new web ventures using Python, Flask and SQLAlchemy.'

I'm really looking forward to all of this. Good stuff! :)

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