First off and again, thanks for the support here. I think I can work for
the momement with your proposed implementation.

My problem is related to the fact that the list values of the GBK
defaultdict are plain list types, and thus cannot fire events for
operations on them. The testcase below does not work, and, as you
mentioned, no other operation on GBK's list values will fire the
corresponding events.

Now my attempt (admittedly without enough knowledge of sqlalchemy
internals) was to create a list which *forwards* append/remove events
to the GBK Collection which could in turn add/remove them in their quality
as true InstrumentedAttribute (thus handling the DB part) . So more
specifically i used prepare_instrumentation() hoping to be able to
instantiate an InstrumentedList with event capabilities. The
InstrumentedLists would not need be first class InstrumentedAttributes ( --
perhaps could not because they appear after reflection time? --).

I see now that it was a far off longshot.

This approach would also remove the immutability constraint on keyfunc's
return value. Keyfunc would be a read/writable attribute instead.

I hope to find time to get more accustomed to sqlalchemy's internals and to
implement this idea somewhere in Jan. or Feb..

By the way I'm implementing Rails-Style DB binding (table people->Class
Person e.t.c.) using the SQLA inspector interface. I'll post the lib in
github as soon as I'm eating my own dog food (=it's usable) .


Here is a testcase where i would like to have the list
p1._addresses_by_role["home"] fire a remove event which removes the person
from GBK:

    def test_del_item(self):
        sess = self.sess
        p1 = Person()
        a1 = Address(name="Bucharest")

        # here, p2a already refers to a1/p1, the "_addresses_by_role"
        # will be set up when it loads after a commit
        p2a = PersonToAddress(address=a1, person=p1, role="home")

        self._assertAssociated(p1, a1, p2a)

        del p1._addresses_by_role["home"][0]
        import pdb
        self.assertFalse("home" in p1._addresses_by_role)

2013/9/4 Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>

> On Sep 3, 2013, at 8:47 AM, Paul Balomiri <paulbalom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I would like to install
> >
> > event.listen(list, 'append', append_listener)
> > event.listen(list, 'remove', rm_listener)
> >
> > on those lists, such that the GroupByKeyCollection can modify added
> objects according to the relationship it implements:
> > * set the appropiate foreign key constraints
> > * insert a removed object with it's new value for the key attribute
> after a change (announced by append_listener)
> > * reset the fks upon item removal.
> using event.listen with GBK doesn't make sense.  events can only be used
> with specific target types, the "remove" "append" events only apply to an
> ORM-produced InstrumentedAttribute, such as Person._addresses_by_role here
> (note, we mean the class-bound attribute, not the collection on an
> instance).  There is no need to use event.listen with the collection
> itself, as remove/append are produced originally by the add()/remove()
> methods on GBK itself; any extra logic which should take place would be
> invoked directly from there (and in fact my original example fails to fire
> off the event with remove()).
> Additionally, all the usage of prepare_instrumentation() etc. should not
> be necessary, that's all internal stuff which is called automatically.
> As mentioned before, the behavior of this collection is completely outside
> the realm of a "normal" collection so it needs to implement the
> append/remove events directly, which isn't something a new user to
> SQLAlchemy would typically be able to handle without a much deeper
> understanding of how the attribute system works.
> I've implemented your test case as below as well as some other variants in
> association with the original code I gave you - for the "remove" case I've
> added the necessary code to the custom collection. All foreign key
> constraints are set correctly as a function of the ORM's normal operation,
> and as far as "reset", when an association between Person and Address is
> removed, we want to just delete the association so cascade is used for
> that.   I'm not sure what "insert a removed object with it's new value for
> the key attribute after a change" means; add a test to the TestPA class
> illustrating the behavior you want and I'll add it.
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> import collections
> from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import collection, collection_adapter
> from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy,
> _AssociationCollection
> Base = declarative_base()
> class GroupByKeyCollection(collections.defaultdict):
>     def __init__(self, keyfunc):
>         super(GroupByKeyCollection, self).__init__(list)
>         self.keyfunc = keyfunc
>     @collection.appender
>     def add(self, value, _sa_initiator=None):
>         key = self.keyfunc(value)
>         self[key].append(value)
>     @collection.remover
>     def remove(self, value, _sa_initiator=None):
>         key = self.keyfunc(value)
>         adapter = collection_adapter(self)
>         adapter.fire_remove_event(value, None)
>         self[key].remove(value)
>     @collection.internally_instrumented
>     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
>         adapter = collection_adapter(self)
>         # the collection API usually provides these events transparently,
> but due to
>         # the unusual structure, we pretty much have to fire them ourselves
>         # for each item.
>         for item in value:
>             item = adapter.fire_append_event(item, None)
>         collections.defaultdict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
>     @collection.internally_instrumented
>     def __delitem__(self, key):
>         adapter = collection_adapter(self)
>         for item in value:
>             adapter.fire_remove_event(item, None)
>         collections.defaultdict.__delitem__(self, key, value)
>     @collection.iterator
>     def iterate(self):
>         for collection in self.values():
>             for item in collection:
>                 yield item
>     @collection.converter
>     def _convert(self, target):
>         for collection in target.values():
>             for item in collection:
>                 yield item
>     def update(self, k):
>         raise NotImplementedError()
> class AssociationGBK(_AssociationCollection):
>     def __init__(self, lazy_collection, creator, value_attr, parent):
>         getter, setter = parent._default_getset(parent.collection_class)
>         super(AssociationGBK, self).__init__(
>                 lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, parent)
>     def _create(self, key, value):
>         return self.creator(key, value)
>     def _get(self, object):
>         return self.getter(object)
>     def _set(self, object, key, value):
>         return self.setter(object, key, value)
>     def __getitem__(self, key):
>         return [self._get(item) for item in self.col[key]]
>     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
>         self.col[key] = [self._create(key, item) for item in value]
>     def add(self, key, item):
>         self.col.add(self._create(key, item))
>     def remove(self, key, item):
>         for i, val in enumerate(self[key]):
>             if val == item:
>                 self.col.remove(self.col[key][i])
>                 return
>         raise ValueError("value not in list")
>     def items(self):
>         return ((key, [self._get(item) for item in self.col[key]])
>                 for key in self.col)
>     def update(self, kw):
>         for key, value in kw.items():
>             self[key] = value
>     def clear(self):
>         self.col.clear()
>     def copy(self):
>         return dict(self.items())
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return repr(dict(self.items()))
> #
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Base = declarative_base()
> class Person(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'person'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     _addresses_by_role = relationship("PersonToAddress",
>                             cascade="all, delete-orphan",
>                             collection_class=
>                             lambda: GroupByKeyCollection(
>                                         keyfunc=lambda item: item.role
>                                     )
>                         )
>     addresses_by_role = association_proxy(
>                             "_addresses_by_role",
>                             "address",
>                             proxy_factory=AssociationGBK,
>                             creator=lambda k, v: PersonToAddress(role=k,
> address=v))
> class PersonToAddress(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'person_to_address'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     person_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'))
>     address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('address.id'))
>     role = Column(String)
>     person = relationship("Person", backref="p2as")
>     address = relationship("Address")
> class Address(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'address'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     name = Column(String)
> import unittest
> class TestPA(unittest.TestCase):
>     def setUp(self):
>         self.e = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=True)
>         Base.metadata.create_all(self.e)
>         self.sess = Session(self.e)
>     def tearDown(self):
>         self.sess.close()
>         self.e.dispose()
>     def _assertAssociated(self, p1, a1, p2a):
>         # custom collection
>         self.assertEquals(p1._addresses_by_role["home"], [p2a])
>         # association proxy
>         self.assertEquals(p1.addresses_by_role["home"], [a1])
>         # direct collection
>         self.assertEquals(p1.p2as, [p2a])
>         # foreign keys set correctly
>         self.assertEquals(p2a.person_id, p1.id)
>         self.assertEquals(p2a.address_id, a1.id)
>     def _assertDeassociated(self, p1, a1, p2a):
>         # when deassociating p1 from a1, there's no more association.
>         # we want p2a to be deleted:
>         self.assertEquals(self.sess.query(PersonToAddress).count(), 0)
>         # list is empty
>         self.assertEquals(p1.addresses_by_role["home"], [])
>         # direct collection empty
>         self.assertEquals(p1.p2as, [])
>     def test_associate_via_collection(self):
>         sess = self.sess
>         p1 = Person()
>         a1 = Address(name="Bucharest")
>         p2a = PersonToAddress(address=a1, role="home")
>         sess.add(p1)
>         # associate using the collection
>         p1._addresses_by_role.add(p2a)
>         sess.commit()
>         self._assertAssociated(p1, a1, p2a)
>     def test_associate_via_scalar(self):
>         sess = self.sess
>         p1 = Person()
>         a1 = Address(name="Bucharest")
>         # here, p2a already refers to a1/p1, the "_addresses_by_role"
>         # will be set up when it loads after a commit
>         p2a = PersonToAddress(address=a1, person=p1, role="home")
>         sess.add(p1)
>         sess.commit()
>         self._assertAssociated(p1, a1, p2a)
>     def test_associate_via_association_proxy(self):
>         sess = self.sess
>         p1 = Person()
>         a1 = Address(name="Bucharest")
>         sess.add(p1)
>         # associate using the association proxy
>         p1.addresses_by_role.add("home", a1)
>         sess.commit()
>         p2a = p1._addresses_by_role["home"][0]
>         self._assertAssociated(p1, a1, p2a)
>     def test_deassociate(self):
>         sess = self.sess
>         p1 = Person()
>         a1 = Address(name="Bucharest")
>         sess.add(p1)
>         p1.addresses_by_role.add("home", a1)
>         sess.commit()
>         p2a = p1._addresses_by_role["home"][0]
>         self._assertAssociated(p1, a1, p2a)
>         # now deassociate
>         p1.addresses_by_role.remove("home", a1)
>         sess.commit()
>         self._assertDeassociated(p1, a1, p2a)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     unittest.main()


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