
I'm trying to write a custom REPLACE expression that compiles differently 
on MySQL vs sqlite, namely it would look like REPLACE INTO in mysql and 
INSERT OR REPLACE in sqlite. I implemented it like so:

class ReplaceInto(ValuesBase):
    def __init__(self, table, values=None):
        super(ReplaceInto, self).__init__(table, values, None)

def visit_replace_into(element, compiler, **kw):
    return 'REPLACE INTO %s(%s) VALUES (%s)' % (
        compiler.process(element.table, asfrom=True),
        ', '.join(element.parameters.keys()),
        "'" + "', '".join(element.parameters.values()) + "'"

@compiles(ReplaceInto, 'sqlite')
def visit_replace_into_sqlite(element, compiler, **kw):
    return 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s(%s) VALUES (%s)' % (
        compiler.process(element.table, asfrom=True),
        ', '.join(element.parameters.keys()),
        "'" + "', '".join(element.parameters.values()) + "'"

But this seems brittle and prone to SQL injection attacks. I'm wondering if 
there is SQLAlchemy API I should be reusing in the 
visit_replace_into_sqlite methods to write this better?

On a separate note, the above works when you do:

r = ReplaceInto(table, {'some_colname', 'some_value'})

But does not work if I do this:

r = ReplaceInto(table).values(some_colname = 'some_value')

Because in the latter case, element.parameters would be None in 
visit_replace_into, even though I'm inheriting from ValuesBase.

Feedback is much appreciated,

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