On Sep 25, 2013, at 2:15 AM, Aleksandr Kuznetsov <aku.ru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The rotation of tables is not a problem. Of course I can do it by 
> constructing simple SQL statement. I just want to simplify life for a client 
> (client is an app for collecting data) - I want it should pass to me only one 
> model (ModelA from my first post). When it will start collecting process it 
> will retrieve from me a model to save data. When it will finish, it just tell 
> me that the process is completed. It is easy to implement by declaring two 
> identical models in client (for working table and for temporary table), but 
> it seems redundant.

I'm assuming we're talking about a Python process that needs to work with this 
copy of the table in a detailed way, and that the ORM services are valuable 

you can emulate the pattern we use to create a "history" table if you see 
http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/examples.html#versioned-objects .

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