This message did not make it to the list last time, lets see if it work now..

On Sep 29, 2013, at 2:41 PM, Roman Iten <> wrote:

> Hi
> I started a pyramid project using the alchemy scaffold (includes 
> ZopeTransactionExtension to scope sessions to requests, see [1]).
> Trying to insert many 'shots' into a MySQL database with a single SQL 
> statement, I implemented the following view:
> DBSession = scoped_session(
>  sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
> @view_config(route_name='upload')
> def upload_view(request):
>  shotlist = []
>  shotlist.append(Shot(score=92))
>  shotlist.append(Shot(score=82))
>  shotlist.append(Shot(score=99))
>  shotlist.append(Shot(score=78))
>  # The transaction is only committed if this line is enabled:
>  # DBSession.add(Shot(score=42))
>  DBSession.execute(Shot.__table__.insert(),
>                    [shot.__dict__ for shot in shotlist])
>  return Response('OK')
> But the transaction is not committed. I discovered that the transaction is 
> committed only if I call add() on DBSession (all five shots are inserted 
> then)…

That is expected behaviour: zope.sqlalchemy can only detect changes when you 
use the ORM. If you execute statements directly you need to tell 
zope.sqlalchemy explicitly that a change was made in the session. This is done 
via mark_changed:

  from zope.sqlalchemy import mark_changed

For more information see the zope.sqlalchemy documentation at 


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