Here's a rudimentary test which has "Client_ID" and "client_id" at the same 
time in the query.  It renders as:

SELECT a.client_id AS "Client_ID", AS a_id, a.client_id AS a_client_id 

the SQL being generated on your end is key here.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class A(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'a'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    client_id = Column(Integer)

e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", echo=True)

c = e.connect()
tr = c.begin()


sess = Session(c)


print(sess.query(A.client_id.label("Client_ID"), A).all())

On Oct 10, 2013, at 12:59 PM, Michael Bayer <> wrote:

> On Oct 10, 2013, at 8:34 AM, Ryan Kelly <> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> One of our applications is generating the following error:
>> NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in row for column 
>> ''"
>> Which is rather strange, because that column is aliased with .label() to
>> "AS Client_ID", so of course that row cannot be located.
> when the SQL is actually rendered, is the "Client_ID" name rendered with 
> quotes?  it should be, as that is a case-sensitive name.
> 0.8 made a change regarding upper/lower case names which is that we no longer 
> call lower() on identifier names when producing lookup dictionaries for 
> result rows - see 
> or the failure here might have something to do with a conflicting "client_id" 
> name elsewhere in the query. 
> you might want to see is sending "case_sensitive=False" to create_engine() 
> restores the working behavior you saw in 0.7.
> it does sound like something originating within your query and how SQLAlchemy 
> handles it, psycopg2 is unlikely to be playing a role here.

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