In the process of trying to find an efficient way to manage a test database
for a large set of tests for a database library I'm writing that uses
I came across this page:

This is definitely what I want to do, with one catch: I already have a
management system in place for the library that seems to conflict with the
sample code given on the webpage, and I'm not having luck reconciling it.

Basically I have an 'init_session' I use that looks as follows:

def init_session(db_user, db_password, **kwargs):
    """Initialize database session"""

    if 'hostname' not in kwargs or 'db_name' not in kwargs:
        db_host, db_name = load_db_config()
        kwargs.setdefault('hostname', db_host)
        kwargs.setdefault('db_name', db_name)

    dbconn_string = create_dbconn_string(db_user, db_password, **kwargs)
    engine = create_engine(dbconn_string)

    # Ensure connection information is valid
        engine.execute('select 1').scalar()
    except sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError, e:
        raise PermissionsException(e)


Session is defined as follows (in another file at module-level):

Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())

>From all other modules, I simply do a:

from <db-meta-module> import Session

and I am able to use Session to manage all my access to the ORM.
My attempt to modify the code on the webpage currently looks like this:

import unittest2 as unittest

from tagopsdb.database import init_database, init_session
from tagopsdb.database.meta import Session

def setup_module():
    global transaction, connection, engine

    # Connect to the database and create the schema within a transaction
    engine = init_session('dbtest', 'dbtestpasswd', hostname='localhost',

    # If you want to insert fixtures to the DB, do it here

def teardown_module():
    # Roll back the top level transaction and disconnect from the database

class DatabaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Base unittest class to manage nested transactions for testing"""

    def setup(self):
        self.__transaction = Session.begin_nested()

    def teardown(self):

I modified my test classes to subclass DatabaseTest, but an attempt
to run the tests results in:

UnboundExecutionError: Could not locate a bind configured on mapper
Mapper|Environments|environments or this Session

This does not completely surprise me as my understanding about sessions
in SQLAlchemy is still not solid enough to always understand why my
current code works (and I have a full application using this without issue
at the moment).

So I guess the question is: am I missing something really obvious here,
or will I need to rethink how I deal with sessions in my library code?

Thanks in advance.

- Ken Lareau

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