SQLAlchemy 0.8 is generating wrong SQL for my simple self-join --

class ScheduledJob(Base):
    Id = Column('Id', Integer, primary_key=True)
    DependentJob1 = Column('DependentJob1', Integer)

DJ1 = aliased(ScheduledJob)
query = dbsession.query(ScheduledJob.Id, DJ1.Id).outerjoin(
        DJ1, ScheduledJob.DependentJob1==DJ1.Id)
print query

prints the wrong SQL --

SELECT "ScheduledJob"."Id" AS "ScheduledJob_Id"
FROM "ScheduledJob" LEFT OUTER JOIN "ScheduledJob" AS "ScheduledJob_1" ON
"ScheduledJob"."DependentJob1" = "ScheduledJob"."Id"

while it should have been --

SELECT "ScheduledJob"."Id" AS "ScheduledJob_Id",
"ScheduledJob_1"."Id" AS "ScheduledJob_1_Id"
FROM "ScheduledJob" LEFT OUTER JOIN "ScheduledJob" AS "ScheduledJob_1" ON
"ScheduledJob"."DependentJob1" = "ScheduledJob_1"."Id"

What could have gone so wrong? Any pointer will be greatly appreciated.

BTW, I'm mapping multiple databases, could it be related to this problem?

Sorry this is a "repost" of my SO question (which has not seen an answer 
for two days) 

Many thanks in advance.


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