Hello, everyone,

Let's say I have a class like this:

Class Foo(...):
    id = Column('id', Sequence('id_seq'), primary_key=True)
    color = Column(...)
    size = Column(...)

How do I instantiate one of these Foo objects without specifying an id for it 
(letting it come from the id_seq sequence) and have immediate access to its 
'id' attribute value before I commit the session? In other words, what I'd like 
to do is this:

new_foo = Foo(color='blue', size='large')  # do not specify id
print(new_foo.id)  # at this point, new_foo is a Foo, but new_foo.id is None!

I've tried putting FetchedValue() on the Foo.id column, and I've tried flushing 
the session before accessing new_foo.id, but neither of those things seem to 

Thanks for your time and reply,

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