I have a model with a relationship:

class Customer(Base):

    __tablename__ = 'customer'
    customer_wishes = relationship('CustomerWish', back_populates='customer', 

When I query a customer from the db:

15:32:00    INFO [sqlalchemy.colorsql]:  0.005s  SELECT * FROM customer WHERE 
customer.id = 1599622
15:32:00    INFO [sqlalchemy.colorsql]:  0.004s  SELECT * FROM (SELECT 
customer.id AS customer_id FROM customer WHERE customer.id = 1599622) AS 
JOIN customer_wish ON anon_1.customer_id = customer_wish.customer_id
ORDER BY anon_1.customer_id

This "SELECT customer.id AS customer_id FROM customer WHERE customer.id = 
1599622" looks strange. Not sure if this affects performance, otherwise 
does this have any meaning?

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