On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Michael Bayer
<mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> SQLAlchemy will affect the config of logging only if any of the “echo” flags 
> are used - the effect of echo=True is that it calls logging.basicConfig().  
> This config will occur in addition to the config that you do with 
> fileConfig(), so it shouldn’t be *broken*, you’d see double logging.
> If no echo flags are set, then SQLAlchemy just uses it’s loggers with 
> whatever level has been set.  However, for performance reasons, the 
> Connection will check logging levels when it is first created and log 
> conditionally based on that flag, so you won’t see logging for any 
> Connections that have been created before the logging levels were set.  but 
> this sounds like the opposite of what you’re seeing.

Indeed. And, as it turns out, the problem was entirely on my end.
A typo buried deep in a library used by a library type of thing, but
(ultimately) 100% my fault.
Sorry to have bothered!

Software Blacksmith

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