On Nov 26, 2013, at 7:45 AM, Joseph Casale <jcas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a scalar sub query with a predicate that involves a table and column 
> produced in the
> outer query, Company.id for example.

this is called a correlated subquery.

> The only way I could include the query was to write
> it out literally and add it as a column with literal_column.
> query = session.query(Company, City, <...>, literal_column(sub)).\
>     join(City).\
>     join(<...>).\
>     filter(<...>)
>     ...
> I have the sub query written using the actual table classes etc, but could 
> not find a way to
> include the non text representation of the sql statement (sub) into the outer 
> query.

you build up your subquery normally, then you can inject it as a column using 
as_scalar(), some background is at 

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