Hello again list!

SQLAlchemy release 0.9.1 is now available.

This release is primarily a quick-hit regression release; as we moved fast 
through 0.9 betas only releasing a single beta, a couple of small regressions 
popped up since then; this release fixes those.

The release does however include one major, though experimental feature. After 
spending many hours on IRC with a particular user's use case of automatically 
generating relationship() objects for an existing schema, a new extension is 
proposed known as sqlalchemy.ext.automap. Automap expands upon the Declarative 
model as well as the "deferred reflection" class to attempt producing a full 
model at runtime based on a reflected, or otherwise non-mapped, schema 
collection. In some ways, Automap can more or less replace what the very famous 
SQLSoup extension has historically been used for, e.g. to generate classes on 
the fly based on a reflected schema. Automap expands on this idea by proposing 
simple logic to also generate rudimentary relationships between classes, and 
also is structured so as to interoperate smoothly with the Declarative mapping 
system that didn't exist when SQLSoup was created.

Full changelog for SQLAlchemy 0.9.1 is at: 

Download SQLAlchemy 0.9.1 at: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/download.html

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