On Jan 7, 2014, at 2:14 PM, Philip Scott <safetyfirstp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The other bit of technology we have that could be unpicked without _too_ much 
> trouble is a sort of reverse CompositeProperty; many attributes of different 
> types, including collections, out of one HSTORE column (with a sort of 
> side-loaded instrumentation for mutation tracking that I think could have 
> been done in a more idiosyncratic way). 
> Paraphrasing a bit but you can do things like:
> class Animal(Base):
>     data   = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(HSTORE))
>     colour     = HsProperty(data, String)
>     legs       = HsProperty(data, Integer)
>     discovered = HsProperty(data, Date)
>     fun_facts  = HsProperty(data, JSONEncoded(list))
> 'colour', 'legs', 'discovered', and 'fun_facts' end up as keys in the HSTORE 
> and the values are strings, integers, dates and lists on the python side but 
> stored as strings in the HSTORE such a way that they can be CAST-ed in a 
> server query [where possible]:
> session().query(Animal).filter(Animal.legs > 2)
> and get a query like
> SELECT ... FROM animal WHERE CAST(animal.data -> legs AS INTEGER) > 2
> You can also put an arbitrary JSONEncodable object in there too. Collections 
> get converted to Mutable counterparts for change-tracking.
> In many ways it is similar to ColumnProperty except that - the properties are 
> writable (and when written only trigger the relevant bits of the hstore to be 
> updated). Also on object instances the values in HsProperties are fetched as 
> part of the query; we lazily de-serialise them directly from the hstore 
> dictionary. 
> Before spend a couple of days removing our corporate clutter from that, 
> getting permission to license it etc.. and posting either as a patch or 
> extension I thought I would see if there is any interest (or if someone has 
> already done it better?). It's implemented as a custom metaclass right now, 
> but I think I might be able to do it fully with events.

that’s a very nice pattern!  It looks like you could do that strictly with 
Python descriptors, such as subclassing @hybrid_property, no ?   Each property 
is just an expression against the “data” column, either python-side (lazily 
deserialize a key) or expression-side (do a postgresql expression for a certain 
key), and you can also trigger the mutable.is_changed() flag within the setter. 
  I don’t think you’d need events.

> Code aside, if you can think of ways in which we as a company could support 
> SQLAlchemy (bear in mind I am not in charge of the purse strings, but I can 
> make a pitch on your behalf; we are still awaiting the fruits of our donation 
> to the PyPy guys :).** Then do let me know. I don't check this email account 
> all that regularly but my work address is my firstname.lastname at 
> cantabcapital dot com

Thanks !   I think what I’m usually looking for are people resources.  Doc 
fixes and pull requests and such.   If I could organize some significant batch 
of work as something that would work under a “grant” model, I’ll let you know.  
 I haven’t figured out how to work that way, yet.

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