Some additional information - a GUI tool for inspecting sqlite databases 
tells me that the following is the CREATE syntax for such a table as I 
mention above:

CREATE TABLE "invTypes" (
>   "typeID" integer NOT NULL,
>   "groupID" integer DEFAULT NULL,
>   "typeName" varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
>   "description" varchar(6000) DEFAULT NULL,
>   "mass" double DEFAULT NULL,
>   "volume" double DEFAULT NULL,
>   "capacity" double DEFAULT NULL,
>   "portionSize" integer DEFAULT NULL,
>   "raceID" integer  DEFAULT NULL,
>   "basePrice" decimal(19,4) DEFAULT NULL,
>   "published" integer DEFAULT NULL,
>   "marketGroupID" integer DEFAULT NULL,
>   "chanceOfDuplicating" double DEFAULT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY ("typeID")
> )

I should stress that I don't know how the interface got this information 
other than that it opened the database file.

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:36:26 PM UTC-8, Erich Blume wrote:
> I am somewhat new to SQLAlchemy, but as far as I can tell there is no 
> existing facility in the SA SQLite dialect 
> (sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite.pysqlite.SQLiteDialect_pysqlite) to resolve 
> SQLite's data type affinities, as shown in section 2.2 of the SQLite data 
> type docs: - and this omission is 
> causing reflection to fail for me on a specific sqlite database file.
> Here is an example session (apologies if this is poorly formatted, I'm not 
> used to using the google groups UI for technical discussion):
> >>> import sqlalchemy as sa
>> >>> eng = sa.create_engine('sqlite:////tmp/eve-asset-db.sqlite')
>> >>> meta = sa.MetaData()
>> >>> meta.reflect(bind=eng)
>> [OMITTED]/python3.3/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/ 
>> SAWarning: Did not recognize type 'DOUBLE' of column 'sizeFactor'
>>   default, primary_key))
> ... (Many additional similar warnings suppressed)
> By inspecting I see that indeed only the core types are supported, 
> and 'Affinity Types' like "DOUBLE" and "LONGTEXT" will cause this error. 
> One question I have that I can't find an answer to is why does this SQLite 
> database have a column marked as a DOUBLE? Shouldn't it have been converted 
> to a REAL when it was created? I'm not familiar enough with SQLite to know 
> the answer to that question.
> Regardless of the answer to that question though, it seems reasonable to 
> me that the reflection should succeed and automatically convert the columns 
> to REAL/TEXT/etc.
> Here is a link to a third-party website which has created the sqlite 
> database I am trying to reflect. Please note that the remote source updates 
> this file every few months and so viewers from the future might not get the 
> same behavior:[341MB 
> uncompressed]
> Here are my environment details:
> Python 3.3
> SQLAlchemy 0.9.1
> I don't know what version of SQLite was used to create the database. If 
> there's a way to find out, let me know and I will update.
> Thanks!

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