On Jan 30, 2014, at 9:52 PM, Lucas Taylor <ltaylor.vo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any notion of how one might instruct SQLAlchemy to (conditionally) create 
> tables using UNLOGGED?
> I'd like to be able to modify the DDL for all CREATE TABLE statements under 
> certain conditions (dialect=postgresql & testing=True)
> If not under test, then there would be no need to modify CREATE TABLE.
> I'm thinking that it might involve some kind of before_create event and 
> modifying the DDL, e.g. something that might start like:
> event.listen(
>     metadata,
>     'before_create',
>     DDL('CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE').execute_if(dialect='postgresql', 
> callable_=isUnderTest, state=TESTING)
> Does this seem like the right direction?

sorta, though you might also look into using @compiles on top of 
sqlalchemy.schema.CreateTable, see 

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