On Feb 8, 2014, at 2:52 PM, Iain Duncan <iainduncanli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks, I have a mapper that has an order by clause, and I was hoping to 
> get it to work with secondary sorts on the joined tables, wondering if this 
> is possible, or if not, how I could add some other kind of more complex 
> sorting?
> Here's what I hoped would work but didn't:
>  mappers['Membership'] = mapper(Membership, membership_table, properties = {
>         'client': relation(Client, backref=backref('memberships', 
> cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan') ),                                      
>         'billing_type' : relation(BillingType, backref='memberships'),
>         'membership_type' : relation(MembershipType, backref='memberships'),
>         'orgunit' : relation(Orgunit, backref=backref('memberships', 
> cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan') ), 
>         'roles_assocs' : relation(MembershipsRolesAssoc, cascade='all, 
> delete, delete-orphan', backref='membership')  # was 'memberships'
>     }, order_by=[membership_table.c.date_end, client_table.c.name_last] )
> And the error:
> OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 
> 'client.name_last' in 'order clause'") 'SELECT membership.id AS 
> membership_id, membership.client_id AS membership_client_id, 
> membership.orgunit_id AS membership_orgunit_id, membership.date_start AS 
> membership_date_start, membership.date_end AS membership_date_end, 
> membership.billing_type_id AS membership_billing_type_id, 
> membership.membership_type_id AS membership_membership_type_id, 
> membership.is_active AS membership_is_active, membership.notes AS 
> membership_notes \nFROM membership \nWHERE %s = membership.orgunit_id ORDER 
> BY membership.date_end, client.name_last' (21L,)

You’d need to configure a more complex relationship that includes the 
membership_table as well as the client_table in the “primaryjoin” condition.    
Some examples on how these more complex primaryjoins can be configured is at 
  These techniques can be used in older SQLAlchemy versions also though there 
are more configurational quirks involved.

I can’t give more specifics with the info given since it’s not clear here how 
“client_table” relates to the MembershipRolesAssoc class, and actually it’s not 
clear either how “membership_table” is a target of this relation unless this is 
some kind of self-referential relationship.   

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