the problem is this:

    org = Organization(name='my org')

    group = Group(name='my group')
    group.organization_id =

when you assign group.organization_id =, org has not been flushed yet so is None.  The org is then never associated with the group.  Setting 
echo=True is the best way to quickly analyze these issues.

It’s a good idea to work with object references if at all possible to avoid 
issues like these:

org = Organization(name='my org')

group = Group(name='my group')
group.organization = org

user = User(name='my user')

group_membership = UserGroupMembership(user=user, group=group)

assert sess.query(UserGroupMembership).count() == 1


assert sess.query(UserGroupMembership).count() == 0

On Feb 9, 2014, at 10:45 PM, Jay Pipes <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have some models with the following relationship:
> An Organization can have many Groups
> A Group belongs to one Organization
> A User can belong to many Groups
> A Group can have many Users
> I use a mapping model called UserGroupMembership that stores the user_id, 
> group_id relation of the many-to-many user to groups relationship.
> I cannot seem to get cascading deletes to work properly for the mapping table.
> If I create an organization, a group under that organization, a user, and add 
> a record to the mapping table relating the user to the group, I would expect 
> that deleting the organization would delete the group record, as well as the 
> records in the mapping table that correspond to the group.
> Unfortunately, what actually happens is that the organization is deleted, 
> along with the group record. But the mapping table records corresponding to 
> that group are not deleted -- leaving orphan records.
> Here is code that demonstrates this:
> If you place the above code into a file called and execute it, 
> you will see an assertion raised:
> $ python 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 127, in <module>
>     assert len(recs) == 0
> AssertionError
> Note: In case anyone is wondering, the reason I use sess.commit() a number of 
> times is to emulate what my code is doing (in multiple processes hitting the 
> database in different API calls...)
> I'm wondering if I have set up the cascading bits or the relation()s 
> improperly? Any help would be most appreciated!
> Best,
> -jay
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