On Feb 13, 2014, at 6:23 AM, Guido Winkelmann <gu...@ambient-entertainment.de> 

> Hi,
> Reading through the docs, I could not find out how to tell the cardinality of 
> an object of type sqlalchemy.orm.properties.RelationshipProperty, i.e. 
> whether it is one-to-many, many-to-one or many-to-many.  Mostly, I just need 
> to know whether a relationship refers to just one object or a collection of 
> objects.
> Can someone help me with that?

So given a class:


and a relationship at the class level:


you get at the RelationshipProperty like this:


it then has:

1. the “uselist” flag, which is likely the most direct way for you to see 
“collection” or not:


2. the “direction”, which is MANYTOMANY, ONETOMANY, MANYTOONE:

  from sqlalchemy.orm import interfaces

  MyClass.some_relationship.property.direction is interfaces.MANYTOONE
  MyClass.some_relationship.property.direction is interfaces.ONETOMANY
  MyClass.some_relationship.property.direction is interfaces.MANYTOMANY

these flags will be available as of when the “configure_mappers()” step has 
been called, which is usually automatic.    If you are calling these attributes 
immediately after declaring the classes, they might not yet be available in 
which case the configure_mappers() call will force that to happen.

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