quick question on the definitive behavior for the orm

I'm have some code that reassigns objects from one owner to another.

instead of objects being assigned directly to an owner, they're assigned 
into an intermediary Library, which is then assigned to an Owner

i also keep the owner_Id on the library object as a shorcut/note.  

this is a simple example

     class Owner :
              libraries = relationship(Library,uselist=True) creates backref
     class Library(object):
              id_owner - fkey Owner               

     class Object :
              library_id - fkey Library
              owner_id - fkey Library
              library = relationship(Library,uselist=False) creates backref

in my logic I have:

     old_owner = Owner.get('Jack')
     new_owner = Owner.get('Jill')
     object = Object.get('Pail of water')

this is super simple and straigtforward for re-assining an objects from one 
library/owner to another 

     object.library_id = new_owner.library.id
     object.owner_id = new_owner.id

i'm working on re-assigning libraries (which also has some internal 
bookkeeping), and that's the tricky part for me...

in order to do this properly, i need to load a library , and set the new 

    a_library = Library.get(1)
    a_library.id_owner = new_owner.library.id

but also loop through the collections

and this becomes my question / worry - I haven't flushed anything to the 
database nor have i pre-loaded anything

a) will I be looping based on the 'clean' or 'dirty' values if i change an 
b) if it's the 'dirty' value, can I loop based on the clean somehow ?

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