I just checked out the examples for using dogpile caching mentioned here: 

According to the example in helloworld.py if a query is cached i.e. run the 
second time then the SQL is not generated. 
To illustrate attached is the code below:

 # Specifying a different query produces a different cache key, so# these 
results are independently cached.print("loading people two through twelve")
people_two_through_twelve = Session.query(Person).\
                            filter(Person.name.between("person 02", "person 

# ... but using the same params as are already cached, no SQLprint("loading 
people two through twelve...again!")
people_two_through_twelve = Session.query(Person).\
                            filter(Person.name.between("person 02", "person 

The second time we shouldn't see a SQL statement being fired. But I am. 
Is there any other way to confirm that the  cache is being used when querying 
second time around. 


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