On Feb 28, 2014, at 12:09 PM, Jonathan Vanasco <jonat...@findmeon.com> wrote:

> If this behavior is a bug , I can build out a testcase.   FWIW , I think it's 
> a bug.
>     class Foo :
>           id = int primary key
>           bar = relationship(bar)
>           baz = relationship(baz)
>     # hits the db
>     a = session.query( Foo ).get(1) 
>     # doesn't hit the db
>     b = session.query( Foo ).get(1) 
>     c = session.query( Foo ).options( joinedload('bar'), 
> subqueryload('baz')).get(1) 
>     # hits the db
>     print c.bar
>     print c.baz
> shouldn't `c` hit the database , in order to pull the explicitly requested 
> eager loaded options ?

nope.   get() means, “the SELECT may not happen”.  eager loads are always 
secondary to the fact that the row is being loaded.  if you want to definitely 
load the row, say filter_by(id…).first().   

> if not, is there a way to trigger this ?   I need to load all the 
> "eagerloaded" attributes before we push data into the templates.  i could do 
> this manually on each .get(), but that would be way uglier than anything 
> official.

Poking at the source this may sort of do most of what you want if you say 
query.populate_existing().get(1).  the components to make this operation occur 
are there but they aren’t put together into a tested API (test coverage and 
documentation are the main things that make it slow to add things like this 

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