I created a database manually using simple sqlite3 in python. When I load 
tables in that database using SqlAlchemy's reflection mode, i.e. setting 
autoload=True, I know all the columns will be reflected and mapped to the 
corresponding classes. However, I'm NOT so sure if the following details 
will also be reflected automatically:

1) foreign_keys flag
For example, if I already set PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON when I created that 
database, do I still need to set up an event listener to set that flag for 
each session when they connect to the database? Or this will be reflected 

2) relationships between two tables
Here I mean if a relationship that is not ambiguous, for example, Users and 
Addresses, do I still need to type in and explicitly define an address 
attribute in Users class? Could this be deduced by SqlAlchemy automatically?
(I tried but failed, but I think this might make sense if SqlAlchemy can do 
this automatically when reflecting)

3) constraints
Currently when I examine the __table__ attribute I simply cannot find any 
constraint listed there. I set several ON DELETE RESTRICT, ON UPDATE 
CASCADEwhen I created this database but they are not visible to me even after 

I'd really appreciate some insight here.  Thanks in advance.

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