Hello all,

I am trying to optimize a query I have, and have noticed some strange
behavior. I have a table called 'Trade'. A trade may optionally have a
commission, which itself is a trade. This is the core of it:

class Trade(Base, CCPTableMixin):
    __tablename__        = "trade"

    id                   = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    trade_commission = Table("trade_commission",
                        Column("id_trade_victim", Integer, ForeignKey(id),
                        Column("id_trade_cash", Integer, ForeignKey(id),

    commission          = relationship(trade_class_name,
                                       primaryjoin=(id ==
                                       secondaryjoin=(id ==

Now, in a particular query, if a trade happens to be a commission trade, I
wish to eagerly load the original 'victim' trade, so I have something like

query = query.options(joinedload("commission_for"))

I noticed things were going a bit slowly, and to my surprise when I turned
on query tracing I could see many individual queries. It turns out that the
joined loading was working in general, however, if 'commission_for' was
None (e.g. the trade is not a commission trade) SQLAlchemy was issuing a
query to re-populate the (empty) collection.

Interestingly, when I switched it to 'subqueryload' - it didn't do this and
correctly eagerly loaded the empty collection. However, I have quite an
expensive query to select the list of trades in the first place which I
would rather not do twice, which is required for a subquery eager load. (It
would be really cool if you could select the primary keys into a temporary
table or something when doing a subquery load, but I guess that would be
quite difficult to do in a DB independant way)

Is this a bug, or perhaps some expected side effect of the joined load?

I am using SQLAlchemy 0.9.3. If it help I could knock up a working example
in short order.

Cheers, and keep up the fine work!

- Philip

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